Case Lube Readers Poll — Spray Lubes Are Number One
What kind of case lubricant do you use. If you’re like most hand-loaders, you prefer some kind of thin, spray-on lube. Our friend Gavin Gear of surveyed his readers, with the results displayed in the chart below. Thin spray-type lubes took the top spot, followed by waxy-type lubes.* CLICK HERE to Vote in the Case Lube Poll.
Gavin explains: “Over the years, I’ve talked quite a bit about different case lube products and techniques for both rifle and pistol reloading. Depending on your goals, the cartridge being reloaded, and what you have on-hand, your options will typically be honed down to a few ‘best options’. But the more you talk with seasoned reloaders, the more options you’ll discover.”
Synthetic Motor Oil for Special Tasks
One new lubrication option Gavin has tried is synthetic motor oil “I’ve started using another product for rifle case lube: synthetic motor oil. In particular, I’ve been using this oil to ‘prime’ rifle sizing dies when starting a loading session. This priming combined with fresh spray lube (Dillon DCL recently) has been a good combination for .223/5.56 and .308/7.62x51mm loading sessions.
I just pour a bit of synthetic motor oil into the quart jug cap, dip my finger into the cap, and apply about one drop to the outside of the case with my fingers. I then dip the end of a Q-Tip into the oil cap (just a drop applied), and roll the end of the Q-Tip between my fingers. The Q-Tip is then ‘rolled’ inside the case mouth to provide lube for the expander ball. I’m wondering how many thousands of applications I could get out of one quart of motor oil!
READ more case lubrication tips at
*This Editor’s own perference follow this ranking. For regular case-sizing with benchrest cases (and close-fitting dies), I use Ballistol aerosol (active ingredient is mineral oil). Not chalky or gummy, Ballistol is very, very slippery. A thin sheen lubricates extremely well yet wipes off easily. For heavy case-forming duties I use Imperial Die Wax. Clean and Lube |
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Tags: Aerosol, Ballistol, Case lube, Die Wax, Dies, Lubricant, Ultimate Reloader
I have been seeing a bit of talk about homemade lube with 1:10 of liquid lanolin and 99% Isopropyl Alcohol. I wonder what % are making their own and what results are people getting vs the store bought sprays.
One Shot for me when doing any kind of bulk loading. Some of the others sprays can be real disasters. Hard to beat Imperial for sizing up and down. My .02
I make my own with Lanolin and alcohol. Have for at least 5 years. No stuck cases. way cheap. I got anhydrous lanolin from some place that makes pharmaceuticals as a sample of a quart. I have used maybe 2 tablespoons in 5 years. should last a good long time. I spray then let the alcohol evaporate. load em up then tumble the finished rounds in fine corn cobb.
Hornady Unique, rub a little on your fingers and you are good to go. It transfers to the cases during handling.
lanolin in isopropanol is an excellent sizing lubricant and can be sprayed.