Pulling Bullets Safely and Efficiently with a Collet Puller
When you make a reloading mistake, you may need to “pull down” assembled ammo. The embedded UltimateReloader.com video demonstrates how to use the Hornady Cam-Lock bullet pulling system.
When Reloading Goes Bad — The Danger of Over-Charging
Our friend Gavin Gear of UltimateReloader.com was recently reloading some 9mm pistol ammo with his Hornady progressive press. As part of his reloading procedure, he visually checks the cases — and he noticed that the charges seemed high. Sure enough, his most recently-produced rounds were about two grains over spec. He diagnosed the issue: “I was using a powder measure without a baffle. What happened was, over the course of the loading session, things settled in, and the charge level increased.”
Not knowing just when his powder measure started delivering too much powder, Gavin decided, for safety’s sake, to pull down all the ammo he had just reloaded. Yes that’s time-consuming, but it’s better than the alternative — having a dangerous Kaboom while shooting. With fast-burning pistol powders, a two-grain over-charge could cause a blown case, damaged firearm, and/or serious injury.
Watch Cam-Lock Bullet Puller Used to Remove Bullets from Loaded Ammo:
Use of Bullet Puller starts 4:00 minutes into video.
Gavin says it is vitally important to perform safety checks during the reloading process: “You’ve got to do it — check every single round to make sure there IS powder, and that there’s not too MUCH powder. Double, Triple, Quadruple check your components… and your powder charges. You can’t be too careful.”
To pull down a loaded round, first place the cartridge in the shellholder on your press ram. Then raise the round up into the bullet puller device installed where a die would go. The Hornady Cam-lock bullet puller works by clamping the bullet in a collet when you flip down the red-coated lever. Then, with the case held by the rim in the shell-holder, the bullet exits the cartridge as the press ram is lowered. It takes time, but it’s pretty fool-proof once you get the hang of it. This entire process is illustrated in Gavin’s video, starting near the four-minute mark.
The Hornady Cam Lock Bullet Puller has four (4) key components: 1. Cam-Lock die body; 2. Cam-Lock lever; 3. Stem; and 4. Collet (Caliber-specific).
NOTE: In order to use this tool, you’ll need the appropriate collet for each diameter range of bullets you intend to pull. For example use collet #3 for 6mm, collect #6 for 7mm, and collet #7 for .308 Caliber.

Similar Posts:
- How to Use a Collet-Type Bullet Puller
- How to Pull Down Ammo Using Cam-Lock Tool with Collet
- Reloading Tip: Pulling Bullets Using Press-Mounted Collet Tools
- How To Pull Bullets Using Press-Mounted Collet Tools
- How To Remove Bullets Easily With Collet-Style Bullet Pullers
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Tags: Bullet Puller, Bullet Pulling, Collet Tool, Hornady Cam Lock, Over-Charge, Pull-Down Ammo, UltimateReloader.com
Then, there are “oops” moments with 9mm reloading using “Polymer coated” CAST, truncated conical bullets.
Haven’t tried the Hornady tool, but my RCBS collet-type struggles, to say the least. Fine on jacketed rifle bullets in all but the shortest (half-jacket) styles
Out with the good-old kinetic, (plastic hammer-like), tool.
That very thought of spending an hour or so doing a miniature John Henry gig, is a good incentive to pay VERY close attention whilst bulk loading pistol ammo.