December 2nd, 2022

Three major shooting sports vendors have offered significant discounts this week as part of extended CyberWeek promotions. These deals are still in effect. But you better act fast to grab the savings. All these deals expire this evening, December 2, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST or CST.
Brownells CYBERWEEK and Other Discount Codes
Brownells is offering 12% Off purchases of $199.00 or more through tonight, with code CYBER12. Along with this CYBERWEEK Discount, there are additional discount codes that should be good for a couple more weeks: 20OFF200 ($20 Off $200+ order); TA10 (10% Off over $150); and HOME10 ($10 Off 100+ order).

Natchez Shooting Supplies is offering significant discounts through 11:59 pm EST on 12/2/22. You need to use a discount code during checkout: D221130C ($35 Off $300 order); D221130B ($25 Off $200+ order); and D221130Z ($15 Off $100+)order).

Guns.com is advertising “Cyber Monday All Week Long”. So there should be deals continuing at least through 12/2/22 at 11:59 PM, and perhaps all weekend. There are many firearms deeply discounted this week. For example the SDS .45 ACP Tanker 1911 is $100 Off (now just $329.99). In addition, you get FREE Shipping on $125+ Ammo orders and FREE Shipping on $49+ Accessories orders.
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December 2nd, 2022

Christmas is 23 days away. If you are looking for a great gift for a shooting buddy, books have always been popular holiday gifts. Here are some recommended titles that should please the serious shooters and firearms enthusiasts on your shopping list. For shooting clubs, books also make great end-of-season member awards. Most of us would rather have a useful book than one more piece of wood to toss in a box in the closet. Check out these twelve titles — for yourself or your shooting buddies.
Here Are a DOZEN BOOKS Recommended for Serious Shooters:
Modern Advancements in LR Shooting, Vol. II by Bryan Litz, $27.99 (Kindle), $44.95 (Hardcover, from AB store)
If you’re a serious long-range shooter, consider adding this book to your library. Relying on extensive ballistics testing, Modern Advancements, Volume II is a great successor to Volume I that contains some fascinating research results. UK gun writer Laurie Holland notes: “Volume II of the Modern Advancements series is as fascinating as Volume I and if anything even more valuable given a series of ‘mythbusters’ tests including: case fill-ratio, primer flash-hole uniforming, neck tension, annealing, and much more. The work also addresses that perennial discussion of a bullet ‘going to sleep’ and shooting smaller groups (in MOA) at longer distances than 100 yards.” The amount of testing done for this Volume II work, with a staggering amount of rounds sent downrange, makes this book unique among shooting resources. There is a ton of “hard science” in this book — not just opinions. |
Prone and Long Range Rifle Shooting by Nancy Tompkins, $45.00, (Hardcover, 2d Edition).
Nancy Tompkins is one of the greatest long-range shooters in American history. She has won five National Long-range Championships. Tompkins’ treatise is a must-read for serious Palma, F-Class, and High Power shooters. The revised Second edition includes F-Class equipment and techniques, and newly updated information. Color pictures. Topics include Mental & Physical training, Reading Wind & Mirage Shooting Fundamentals, International Competition, and Loading for Long Range. Nancy Tompkins is a 4-time winner of the National Long Range Championships, and has won countless other major events. Nancy has been on six Palma Teams (as both a shooter and a coach). |
The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters by Linda Miller & Keith Cunningham, $14.99 (Kindle), $22.99 (Hardcover).
The lastest edition of The Wind Book was released in 2020. The updates make this very helpful 144-page book even better. The Wind Book for Rifle Shooters by Linda Miller and Keith Cunningham, first published in 2007, is a very informative resource. But you don’t have to take our word for it. If you click this link, you can read book excerpts on Amazon.com. This lets you preview the first few chapters, and see some illustrations. Other books cover wind reading in a broader discussion of ballistics or long-range shooting. But the Miller & Cunningham book is ALL about wind reading from cover to cover, and that is its strength. The book focuses on real world skills that can help you accurately gauge wind angle, wind velocity, and wind cycles. Readers have praised the book, earning it 93% 4- and 5-star reviews on Amazon. |
Long Range Shooting Handbook by Ryan Cleckner, $9.99 (Kindle), $22.46 (Softcover),
Ryan Cleckner is noted for his ability to explain complex topics in an easy-to-comprehend manner. Now Cleckner has authored a book, the Long Range Shooting Handbook, which expands on the topics covered in Cleckner’s popular NSSF video series. The Long Range Shooting Handbook is divided into three main categories: What It Is/How It Works, Fundamentals, and How to Use It. “What It Is/How It Works” covers equipment, terminology, and basic principles. “Fundamentals” covers the theory of long range shooting. “How to Use It” gives practical advice on implementing what you’ve learned, so you can progress as a skilled, long range shooter. You can view Sample Chapters from Ryan’s Book on Amazon.com. |
With Winning in Mind (3rd Edition) by Lanny Bassham, $9.99 (Kindle), $16.95 (Softcover)
Visualization is a process of mental preparation that is done before you get to the range. Many of the greatest shooting champions have used this technique to get ready for big matches, and to optimize their performance during record fire. If you want to enhance your “mental game” through pre-match visualization, we strongly recommend Lanny Bassham’s book, With Winning in Mind. As a competitive smallbore 3P shooter, Bassham developed a mental management system. Using this system, Lanny Bassham won 22 world individual and team titles, set four world records, and captured an Olympic Gold Medal in Montreal in 1976. His techniques have been embraced by professional and Olympic athletes in many sports. With Winning in Mind covers a complete system of “mental management” techniques used by Olympians and elite champions. |
Extreme Rifle Accuracy by Mike Ratigan, $69.95 (Softcover)
This book should be on the shelf of every short-range benchrest shooter. (Shooters in other disciplines will find the book helpful as well.) Butch Lambert says Mike’s book is “far and away the best Benchrest book written. Very comprehensive, it touches on every aspect of our game.” Mike’s 368-page book is dedicated to getting the most from modern rifle accuracy equipment with an emphasis on shooting 100-200-300 yard group benchrest tournaments. This book covers the most popular hardware plus new equipment offerings are covered, including external mount scopes, actions, triggers, stocks, wind flags, and more. Also covered are rifle handling techniques, note taking, tuning, bullet selection, goals, and match strategies. Mike provides many tips that will help active competitors update their own competitive program. |
Practical Shooter’s Guide by Marcus Blanchard, $9.99 (Kindle), $19.99 (Softcover)
Thinking of getting started in the Practical/Tactical shooting game? Looking for ways to be more stable when shooting from unconventional positions? Then you may want to read Marcus Blanchard’s Practical Shooter’s Guide (A How-To Approach for Unconventional Firing Positions and Training). Unlike almost every “how to shoot” book on the market, Blanchard’s work focuses on the shooting skills and positions you need to succeed in PRS matches and similar tactical competitions. Blanchard provides clear advice on shooting from barricades, from roof-tops, from steep angles. Blanchard says you need to train for these types of challenges: “I believe the largest factor in the improvement of the average shooter isn’t necessarily the gear; it’s the way the shooter approaches obstacles and how they properly train for them.” |
The Book of Rifle Accuracy by Tony Boyer, $42.50 (Hardcover).
Tony Boyer, the most successful shooter in the history of short-range benchrest competition, shares match-winning tips in this 323-page book. The book covers all aspect of the benchrest discipline: loading, windflags, rest set-up, addressing the rifle, and match strategies. This is a high-quality publication, filled with valuable insights. Every serious benchrest shooter should read Tony’s book. Boyer has dominated registered benchrest in a fashion that will never be duplicated, having amassed 142 U.S. Benchrest Hall of Fame points. The next closest shooter, Allie Euber, has 47 Hall of Fame points. This handsome, full-color book is 323 pages long, with color photos or color illustrations on nearly every page. |
The Rifle Shooter by G. David Tubb, $15.00 (On Sale Now)(Softcover)
This book by 11-time National High Power Champion David Tubb focuses on position shooting and High Power disciplines. Section One covers fundamentals: position points, natural point of aim, breathing, triggering mechanics and follow-through, sling selection and use, getting started, getting better, avoiding obstacles. Section Two covers mechanics of offhand, sitting, and prone positions. Section Three covers shooting skills, including wind reading and mental preparation. Section Four covers the technical side of shooting, with extensive discussions of rifle design, load development, reloading barrel maintenance, and rifle fitting. We consider this book a “must-read” for any sling shooter, and there is plenty of good advice for F-Class shooters too. |
Precision Rifle Marksmanship by Frank Galli, $25.30 (Softcover)
Another fine book for PRS/NRL shooting is Precision Rifle Marksmanship: The Fundamentals by Frank Galli, founder of SnipersHide.com. Former USMC scout-sniper Frank Galli explains techniques will benefit any PRS/NRL competitor. Along with position shooting tips, Galli offers great wind-reading advice. Published in 2020, Galli’s treatise is four years newer than Blanchard’s book, so it includes more of the latest gear and equipment. Galli’s book covers the fundamentals of precision marksmanship with easy-to-understand methodology. The book follows the same instruction process Galli uses in his live marksmanship classes. Published in 2020, this well-illustrated, 272-page book covers the latest equipment (scopes, LRFs, chassis systems, magazines, bags, bipods, tripods) favored by tactical competitors in PRS/NRL type matches. |
Cartridges of the World (17th Edition) by W. Todd Woddard, $18.28 (Kindle), $38.17 (Softcover)
Cartridges of the World (17th Edition, 2022), belongs in every serious gun guy’s library. This massive 704-page reference contains illustrations and basic load data for over 1500 cartridges. If you load for a wide variety of cartridges, or are a cartridge collector, this book is a “must-have” resource. The latest edition includes dozens of new cartridges and boasts 1500+ photos. The 17th Edition of Cartridges of the World includes cartridge specs, plus tech articles on Cartridge identification, SAAMI guidelines, wildcatting, and new cartridge design trends. In scope and level of detail, Cartridges of the World is the most complete cartridge reference guide in print. Cartridges of the World now includes a full-color section with feature articles. |
Coaching Young Rifle Shooters by Gary Anderson, $20.95 (Softcover)
Gary Anderson’s book, Coaching Young Rifle Shooters, is an excellent, fully-illustrated guide for training young shooters. This 187-page, full-color book is the most comprehensive instructional guide of its kind now in print. Anderson created this resource for coaches and parents who work with beginning and intermediate junior rifle shooters. Anderson’s guidebook provides coaches with the tools needed to develop young shooters and improve their marksmanship skills. Gary Anderson is the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) Emeritus. In his 11 years of international competition, Gary won two Olympic gold medals, seven World Championships, and 16 national titles. |
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December 2nd, 2022

CMP Advanced Highpower Clinic Trainers: Dan Arnold, James Fox, Sara Rozanski, Brian Williams, Nick Till.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) Advanced Highpower Clinic, held each year at the annual Camp Perry National Matches in Ohio, is a great place to learn shooting technique, wind reading, equipment optimization, and mental management. One participant sates “This clinic is an excellent opportunity for Highpower shooters who really want to advance to the national level in the sport. I learned more in two days than I have in 10 years!”
CLICK HERE for More Information about Advanced Highpower Clinic
The Advanced Highpower Rifle Clinic is designed to improve participants’ shooting techniques and range skills. This could involve trying a different hand position, moving the sling up or down the arm, tightening jacket straps, or a myriad of other subtle changes. “Highpower is a game of points — gaining a point here and there means moving up a classification, winning your class, or winning an entire match,” said Dan Arnold, one of the instructors.
“While highpower hasn’t changed all that much over the years, we as shooters continually evolve,” Arnold explained. “We age, our bodies change, we buy a new glove or a sling – all these little changes mean that the process of firing a shot has to change too. Trying to use the same shot process that you’ve been using for years while ignoring all of the changes that have happened will result in score stagnation, at best. At worst, your scores will decrease.”
In the summer 2022 Clinic, during the classroom portion, instructors discussed wind reading methods, demonstrated shooting positions, explained how to adjust for uneven firing points and deal with high winds. The classroom sessions also covered mental management as well as rifle maintenance.

The CMP Advanced Highpower clinic included two days of live-fire practice.
For the first time, the clinic included two days of live-fire training on the range. Day Two was spent on the range with firing points at the 200-yard line. Each instructor was paired with two students. For 30 minutes, students could dry-fire, then live-fire 10 to 15 rounds while their instructor evaluated their standing positions and suggested changes.

Then, students worked on their sitting positions. After sighting shots, students fired two 5-shot groups — two shots followed by a magazine change and then three shots fired in 30 seconds. Once their two groups were fired, the students fired a standard 10-shot group in 60 seconds.

The clinic provides specialized training, including wind reading with spotting scopes.
Day Three found the students and their instructors at the 600-yard line for prone slow-fire. The instructor checked the the students’ shooting positions and gave them tips on reading the wind conditions. After firing was completed, the students set up their spotting scopes and watched the mirage and wind flags while instructors called out the changes in velocity and direction.
If you missed the 2022 Clinic, don’t worry. The 2023 Advanced Highpower Clinic will be held July 21-23, 2023. The course is open to those who have attended the Advanced Small Arms Firing School at least once and have an “Expert” classification. Participants must bring their own ammunition and equipment for the live-fire portion of the 2023 Clinic. The entry fee is $40.00 for adults and $20.00 for juniors. All participants will receive a Clinic t-shirt and certificate.

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