Register Soon for 2010 Eastern CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup
The 2010 Eastern CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches will be held May 8th through 16th at Camp Butner, NC. The event is hosted by the North Carolina Army National Guard. The 4th Eastern CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches are co-sponsored by the CMP and Creedmoor Sports, Inc. CMP Games Matches will take place on 8-11 May while Creedmoor Cup Matches will be held 12-16 May. All interested shooters, (of all ages and skill levels) are invited to participate in these popular competitions. You’ll want to get your entry form in soon. There’s less than four weeks before the match starts.
CLICK for Match Program | CLICK for Match REGISTRATION
The Eastern CMP Games begin with a clinic on Saturday, 8 May. Three days of Garand, Springfield and Vintage Military Rifle Matches take place on 8, 10 & 11 May. The CMP Games Matches also include an “As-Issued” M1 Garand EIC Match on 9 May, a Rimfire Sporter Match and As-Issued Military Pistol Match on 9 May and an M1 Carbine Match on 10 May. New this year is a “Vintage Sniper Rifle Test Match” for two-man teams on 11 May. The Creedmoor Cup Matches begin on Wednesday, 12 May, with an advanced clinic. The Creedmoor Cup Matches include a Practice Match, a NMC team match, the 80-shot Creedmoor Cup Match and an EIC service rifle-NMC match rifle event. Both competitions feature special hospitality events and prize awards. Remington Firearms is sponsoring the High Power Rifle Clinic and a Practice Match (NMC). Creedmoor Sports is sponsoring a Four-Man team match (4 x NMC), the Creedmoor Cup 800 Aggregate and the Creedmoor EIC Match.