SHOT Show Hotel Discount Deadline is Today, December 1st
SHOT Show will be held from January 19-22, 2010 at the Sands Expo & Convention Center in Las Vegas. If you plan to attend, and haven’t booked your hotel yet, then DROP everything and contact the SHOT Show Travel Desk. Today, December 1st, is the last day to make reservations at super-low official rates. The official SHOT Show travel agency has exclusive rate agreements with Vegas hotels — so you can get the BEST room deals — better than Expedia, better than, and better than The “official” room rates are as low as $40.00, and there aren’t many low-price vacancies left. If you miss out on the official travel desk deals, expect to pay $30-$70.00 more for the same room in the same hotel, even when booked with online “bargain” sites such as or
After December 1st, you can still book rooms through the SHOT Show Travel Desk, but the price caps for officially-booked rooms are lifted, so you could end up paying a LOT more.

Finalize Your Travel Plans
Since SHOT Show is just eight weeks away, in addition to reserving rooms, you should finalize other travel details. Get your airline tickets and reserve a car if you need one. You’ll find some very good deals right now on — look for the “Web Only!” specials. In addition, it’s time to register for SHOT Show functions you may want to attend. Log on to to register for SHOT Show University and order tickets for the State of the Industry Dinner. SHOT Show also has a free concierge service, Destinations Direct, that can help plan activities outside show hours. Assistance with restaurant reservations, meeting space, show tickets, and more is available via the website, or call Destinations Direct at (702) 635-3000.