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November 4th, 2008

Election Day 2008 — Be Sure to VOTE TODAY!

Today is the day. Across the nation citizens will vote to determine the next President of the United States. And the Presidential race is not the only important election. Numerous key seats in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives are up for grabs. Make no mistake about it… this is a very important election. Its outcome will have a significant effect on our domestic and foreign policies for years to come.

Vote 2008Whatever your political affiliation you owe it to yourself, and to your country, to exercise your right to vote. Sportsmen and gun owners can influence this election, particularly in key “swing states” such as Pennsylvania, Florida, and Ohio. If we, as gun owners, don’t get to the polling places and cast our ballots, we can expect greater challenges to our rights in the months and years ahead.

This is a critical election. Remember that in the D.C. v. Heller case, four out of the nine Supreme Court justices were essentially willing to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution. Yes, by one vote (5 to 4), we “won” the Heller case, but it is sobering to think the decision was that close. Keep that in mind as you determine who to vote for. The President appoints Justices to the Supreme Court. It is expected that at least two current high court Justices will retire within the next four years. Keep that in mind when you vote today. “Consider,” says Steve Sanetti, President of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, “that the next president could nominate as many as three Supreme Court justices, will appoint the next director of the ATF and will either support or resist U.N. gun-control efforts. Make no mistake, this is not the time for gun owners to take a back seat.”

Also remember that some of the worst gun regulations have started at the municipal and state levels. You must, therefore, pay close attention to state and local elections. Successful efforts to safeguard gun rights begin at the local level. In states like California and New York, we’ve seen that state politicians are more than willing to enact bad laws that violate the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. So… if you want to keep your Second Amendment rights, be sure to exercise another Constitutional right and VOTE!

Finding Your Polling Place
If you’re not sure about the location of your designated polling place, visit That non-partisan website will identify your polling place, complete with a street map. Just type in your zip code or street address, and the right location will appear.

Voter Ballot stub

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November 4th, 2008

Gun Sales Steady in Uncertain Times

The National Shooting Sports Foundation provides this report:

“Across the country, the media continues to localize a story that first ran in The Washington Post, with NSSF input, about a trend of increasing firearm sales driven in part by the fear that, if elected, Barack Obama, working with a Democrat-controlled Congress, could pass legislation that would limit Americans’ right to own certain types of firearms, particularly semi-automatic rifles. A story from the Naples (FL) News confirmed an increase of concealed carry permits, while a story out of Las Cruces, NM, focused on increased sales of tactical rifles. Meanwhile, on the hunting side, the Associated Press ran a story Saturday on the strength of hunting-related sales despite high gas prices and economic instability. “Hunters may not get the latest product, but they’re still getting the things they need and getting out there. Our sales are holding up good,” said Larry Whiteley of Bass Pro Shops.” (Story from NSSF).

Are American gunowners over-reacting to the possibility of a Democrat in the White House? Maybe not…. If the Democratic Party captures the Presidency, while attaining majorities in both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, many observers predict Congress will quickly enact new legislation restricting the ownership and use of certain classes of semi-automatic firearms, and imposing much tighter controls on handguns.

There is no reason to believe Barack Obama would not endorse such legislation. For a running mate, Obama chose Joe Biden, one of the original authors of federal legislation restricting semi-automatic rifles. As quoted in the Chicago Tribune, Presidential candidate Barack Obama supports an “assault weapon” ban: “I believe we need to renew — not roll back — this common sense gun law.” In 2007, Obama stated that the government needs to permanently reinstate an assault weapons ban, according to Fox News. In addition, Obama has unequivocally stated in an NPR interview that he would support Federal legislation to ban concealed carry laws nationwide.

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