May 10th, 2010
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) now offers FREE educational video DVDs about firearm safety and wildlife conservation to teachers and school administrators. Already, more than 4,500 DVDs have been ordered by educators. Teachers can order the DVDs (and download related PDF brochures) via the NSSF website. In addition to the videos, each DVD contains guides and activity planners to assist teachers. For more information, visit the NSSF Education Videos webpage.

The Firearms Safety DVD contains three video segments, two designed for viewing by students and one for a general audience. These videos show students how to make correct decisions when encountering a firearm in an unsupervised situation at school, at home or at a friend’s home. The Wildlife Conservation DVD features three videos that teach students about America’s wildlife management system and explain how hunters contribute funding for conservation. Teachers can preview both the Firearms Safety Videos and the Conservation Videos on the NSSF Website.
“We believe teachers and school administrators should teach students how to correctly respond if they encounter an unattended firearm. Students who understand what to do in such situations can potentially save lives,” said Steve Sanetti, NSSF President. Regarding conservation education, Sanetti said, “We have a generation of children who spend less time outdoors and who see more wildlife on television than in the wild. It’s important that students today understand how once-endangered species such as white-tailed deer and wild turkey have been brought back to abundance through efforts funded by hunters.”
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