Federal Premium Now Offering Cartridge Brass for Reloaders
Here’s good news for folks looking for another domestic source of cartridge brass. Federal Premium, the folks who make Federal Gold Medal match ammo, is now offering new, virgin, unprimed cartridge brass for a variety of rifle and pistol cartridge types. The new Federal Premium brass will be sold by Sinclair International, Grafs.com and other popular retailers. Sinclair has Federal brass in stock now for the most popular rifle cartridges, including .223 Rem, .243 Win, .270 Win, .308 Win, .30-06 Springfield, .300 WSM and seven more cartridge types (13 rifle brass types total — see chart below).
Federal’s new brass for reloaders starts at $25.99 for fifty (50) cases of .308 Win Brass. The equivalent of $51.98 per hundred cases, that’s pretty affordable. However, note that some types of Federal brass are much more expensive. For example, Federal’s .300 WSM brass costs $43.99 for fifty (50) cases at Sinclair. Click Here for Federal Premium Brass at Sinclair.

Sinclair Int’l notes: “Federal ammunition has long been prized for its reliability, consistency, and quality. But the only way to get Federal brass for reloads was to save your spent shells or scrounge them off the range – until now. Pristine, unfired, properly head-stamped Federal brass for popular rifle cartridges is now available from the manufacturer, and we’re pleased to offer it.”
Product Tip from EdLongrange. We welcome submissions from readers.Similar Posts:
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Tags: Brass, Cartridge Cases, Federal, Federal Premium
Will be interesting to see the neck thickness and weight variations in this brass.
this isnt new news, ive seen this stuff on the shelves for about 18 months or more
what is premium about it? there is nothing saying what makes it premium at all, what makes it any better than anything else?
Not really new, I’ve used Federal M brass years ago, they at one time sponsored my Service Rifle shooting. I still have a couple of cases of primed 1,000 cases, .223 Rem. and .308 Win..
looking for 7-30 waters brass i know federal make some shells for that load i load my own .
we are looking for 284 brass cases,not 6.5 284.
Any plans on producing 7.62 X 54R cases ‘