November 8th, 2012

NSSF Video Explains Ten Rules of Gun Safety

NSSF Gun SafetyThe National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has produced a GUN SAFETY Video that presents 10 fundamental rules of safe gun use. The video covers basic safe gun handling procedures, and it also explains how to transport guns safely, and how to secure them properly at home.

We know this stuff is familiar to most of our readers, but we recommend you watch the video as a refresher. Segments show how to safely unload different types of handguns and shotguns. That’s helpful for a rifle guy who may not have much familiarity with other types of arms. The video also explains how you can keep a handgun safe from kids and guests in the home, while still having quick access in an emergency. This video won’t win an Oscar, but it provides good, logical safety advice. If you help run a shooting club, you may want to embed the video into your club’s webpage.

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