New Nightforce 5-25x56mm FFP Scope with 120 MOA Elevation
Nightforce Optics has created quite a stir in the tactical shooting community with the announcement of its new 5-25x56mm First Focal Plane scope, which it calls the “B.E.A.S.T.”. The news is in the numbers — this new scope offers a whopping 120 MOA of elevation travel, and you get a full 60 MOA travel with each rotation of the turret. That’s right — 60 MOA with one turn. With many modern cartridges you can get to 1200 yards (and maybe farther*) with a single revolution — that eliminates all sorts of user-error issues when dialing back-and-forth between yardages.
This is a first-focal-plane design, so the reticle stays constant relative to the target, allowing ranging at any magnification. The scope is offered with four (4) click-value choices: 1/4 MOA, 1/2 MOA, 0.1 Mil, and 0.2 Mil. Whether you chose MOA clicks or Mil-based clicks, you can get an appropriate reticle because Nightforce offers both the MOAR ranging reticle and the Mil-R ranging reticle. The three other reticle options are: MD2.0, TReMoR, and H59.
The new B.E.A.S.T. 5-25x56mm Nightforce has a mounting length of 5.92″ and weighs just 39 ounces. If you need illumination for low-light work, you’ll like the new B.E.A.S.T. scope. It offers external-control digital illumination with Unique i4F™ four-function brightness control. Other features are listed below.

*We used JBM Ballistics to plot the trajectory of a .308-caliber 168gr Berger Match Target BT launched with a 2800 fps muzzle velocity (sea level with 59° temp). Starting with a 100-yard zero, JBM calculates 52.5 MOA drop at 1200 yards and 62.6 MOA drop at 1300 yards.Nice Scope with a Beastly Price
Nightforce says that “B.E.A.S.T.” stands for “Best Example of Advance Scope Technology” — some marketing guy’s bright idea we suppose. Perhaps “B.E.A.S.T.” better signifies “BEAST of a price”. This scope, with either MIL-R or MOAR reticles, costs an astounding $3,298.00! You can build a pretty darn good custom rifle, all premium components, for less than that!
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Tags: B.E.A.S.T., BEAST Scope, FFP, First Focal Plane, Front Focal Plane, MIL-R, Nightforce Optics. MOAR, Optics, Tactical Optics
The NF releases have certainly got people talking on the Net.
$3,298.00, now thats BEASTLY!!
How is it that they can get 60moa in one turn on this scope but on their new 15-55×52 “Competition” scope it is a really poor 5moa per turn?
well the competition is a small light scope that has 1/8th clicks.
This is a beast and empties your 401k…
Sorry Nightforce, but you kept us waiting for 4 years for this? You have been outclassed by even Bushnell of all scope companies. They now offer a 4-30, mil/mil, ffp, zero stop, 10 mil locking knobs, only 14 inches long, and all for the cost of about 2k.
So you offer 20 mils in one turn, big deal. How many of us actually dial out to 20 mils on a regular basis, and would then forget that we dialed that elevation? That is what we use a zero stops for. Besides, all those clicks in one revolution make it easier to misdial.
ED glass! Welcome to 5 years ago. You should have upgraded all your scopes to this level of glass years ago.
“that eliminates all sorts of user-error issues when dialing back-and-forth between yardages.” Yeah, that’s an SFP problem. We don’t do that with FFP. We use the reticle for hold overs when we need to shoot at multiple distances in a hurry. That’s why we want it to be accurate over the entire magnification range.