Lyman Case Prep Xpress — Versatile, Affordable
For a few years now, Lyman has offered the Case Prep Xpress, an all-in-one case prep center that chamfers necks (inside and out), cleans and uniforms primer pockets, brushes the inside of case-necks, and uniforms flash holes. The unit can also ream out the crimps on military brass. However, the Lyman Case Prep Xpress does NOT trim cases.
The Lyman Case Press Xpress comes with all the necessary tools and attachments (listed below), so you don’t have to purchase extra accessories. The 5 gear-driven heads on the unit are powered by a high torque, low-speed motor ideal for case prep operations. Lyman’s Case Prep Xpress features handy storage areas for accessories, a removable brass shavings dump pan, and a handy clean-up brush.
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Lyman Case Prep Xpress Includes: Inside Deburr (VLD) Tool Outside Deburr Tool Flash Hole Uniformer Primer Pocket Uniformer (Large & Small) Primer Pocket Reamer (Large & Small) Primer Pocket Cleaner (Large & Small) Case Neck Brushes (25, 30, 38 & 45 Cal) Case Neck Lube (Mica) Removable Brass Shavings Dump Pan Clean-up Brush |
In the two years that this product has been on the market it has been a hot seller. We’ve used the Case Prep Xpress. If you’re prepping hundreds of cases, this unit will save considerable time and reduce hand/finger fatigue. While the Case Prep Express is not as sturdy as the metal-bodied Hornady prep center, the Lyman unit offers a lot of functionality for the price ($108-$125 at various vendors).
Video clearly illustrates all case prep functions. Worth watching.
You can find Lyman’s Case Prep Xpress for under $120.00, making it much less expensive than the larger Hornady Case Prep Center, which runs about $400.00. The Hornady unit is beefier, and will trim cases. However, we think the compact Lyman unit makes sense for guys who already have a good case trimmer, such as a Forster or Wilson. The Lyman Case Prep Xpress is hundreds of dollars less than the Hornady prep center. The money you save will buy lots of bullets and brass.
Case Prep Xpress $108.08 at Midsouth
The Lyman Case Prep Xpress is sold by most of the big vendors. The best current price we found was at Midsouth Shooters Supply, which sells the Lyman unit for $108.08.
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Tags: Cartridge Brass, Case Prep, Case Prep Xpress, Lyman, Midsouth
Now that looks very handy to go along with the higher speed trimming systems we have now. This has always been the slow part of the process. Looks very handy with its all in one features. I think Lyman offers some good value. For that price think ill grab one.