See Bullet Holes at 500+ with White Background Splatter Targets
Do you have trouble seeing your bullet holes (on paper) when shooting past 400 yards? That’s a common issue even with premium ($1600+) high-magnification scopes. Here’s a target that solves that problem. A hit creates a larger black circle that’s much more visible than a plain bullet hole, making this target ideal for use at longer range (500 yards and beyond).
The 12″ square Birchwood Casey white background Sight-In Target displays a black “halo” around each hit (like the yellow circle on a conventional Shoot-N-C). Larger than bullet diameter, the “halos” can be easily seen with a high-magnification scope at long range (see video below). The self-adhesive target features four diamonds with contrasting red box centers. For precise aiming, you can position your cross-hairs to align with the corners of the boxes. Or, you can put a target dot sticker in the middle.
This video shows Black Shot Halos on white background:
While we envision using this target with optics at long range, Birchwood Casey says that open sights show up well against the white background, making these targets well-suited for indoor ranges or use in low light conditions.
This white background grid target has five aiming points and a 1-inch grid overlay for quick and easy sight adjustments. It comes with target pasters that allow shooters to cover up bullet holes and continue using the target for added value. The White/Black Shoot-N-C 12″ Sight-In Targets come in 5-packs with 75 target pasters for $8.99 from MidwayUSA or $8.09 on Amazon. If you prefer circle targets, there is a larger 17.5″ Shoot-N-C target with one large bull with red diamond center (photo right).
High-Viz Option — Yellow on Black Grid with Yellow Halos
If you prefer seeing ultra-high-contrast yellow/green “halos” for your hits, Birchwood Casey also makes adhesive grid targets with five yellow-edged diamonds. Red circles provide precise aiming points in the middle of each box. You can quickly estimate group size or dial-in your zero using the hi-viz yellow 1″ grid lines. These yellow-on-black targets are available in three sizes: 8″ square, 12″ square, and 17.5″ square. These yellow-on-black grid targets start at $4.89 for an 8″ six-pack.
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- See Bullet Holes at Long Range with Shoot-N-C White Targets
- See Shots at 500+ Yards with White Background Splatter Targets
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- Splatter-Mania — Not-Your-Average Splatter Halo Targets
- Splatter Targets Guide — See Your Hits Instantly at Distance
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Tags: Birchwood Casey, Long-Range Target, Shoot N C, Splatter Target, Target Grid, White Splatter Target
that’s the best. white target that become black.
much better than black target that become fluorescent yellow, because normaly hole from bullet is ‘black’
Editor: Out past 500 yards, many rifle scopes and spotting scopes simply can’t resolve a 6mm or 22 cal bullet holes. Even a .30 Cal can be hard. Having the enlarged black halo on white is the MOST contrast you can get, because white means the full color spectrum is reflecting back to the user. If you prefer yellow on black go for it. But the farther out you go, the more black on white works best.