MidwayUSA Grants for Range Development and Coach Training
Does your range or shooting club need money to improve facilities? Would you like to train club members as shooting coaches? Well the MidwayUSA Foundation is offering money to help via its Range Development and Coach Training grant programs. In 2022 the MidwayUSA Foundation offered over $1 million in range development grants. For both Range Development and Coach Training, applicants must apply through MidwayUSA Foundation’s online grant application process which opened for applications this month.
Range Development grants allow existing shooting ranges to make improvements/expansions to to allow for more youth-oriented shooting activities. This grant cycle runs from February 1, 2023 to April 1, 2023 and cash grants will be awarded in June. Requesting facilities must be a range utilized by a MidwayUSA Foundation endowment holder. Range Development grants will not exceed $75,000 or 50% of the proposed project budget. Requesting facilities must be a range utilized by a MidwayUSA Foundation endowment holder. Team and agency endowment holders are encouraged to work with their respective shooting range(s) to identify needs and complete grant application requirements. Applicants must apply through MidwayUSA Foundation’s online application process. Additional requirements can be found on the MidwayUSA Foundation website.
MidwayUSA Foundation’s Coach Training Grant cycle opened on February 1, 2023 and will run through March 1, 2023 and grants will be awarded in May. The maximum grant payout is $5,000. The funds can be used to provide coaches with basic or advanced-level certifications, including skills training, clinics, or other coach training. Teams or individuals interested in the Coach Training grant program should reach out to their state organization, which must hold an Agency or Donor Designated endowment with MidwayUSA Foundation. CLICK HERE for other requirements.
How these Grant Programs Help the Shooting Sports
Without proper ranges, there could be no shooting sports at all. And qualified coaches are essential for youth marksmanship training. Executive Director, G. Scott Reynolds explains: “These programs help put the infrastructure in place to provide qualified coaches and regulation ranges. We want all kids that desire to participate in youth shooting sports to have that opportunity.”
The MidwayUSA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity working to sustain and grow the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youth shooting teams. Every donation made is tax-deductible. The Foundation supports all shooting disciplines. For more INFO, visit Midwayusafoundation.org.
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