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December 10th, 2024

Muzzle Velocity — How to Use Chronographs and Optimize MV

applied ballistics quantum app solver profile shooting bryan litz android ios apple

Every serious shooter needs to know the muzzle velocity (MV) for his load, so he can run ballistics solvers. And very consistent MV with low Extreme Spread (ES) and Standard Deviation SD is vital for consistent long-range shooting. You need good components and reloading techniques for low ES/SD. You want a good, reliable, and consistent chronograph to record your muzzle velocity — there are many good types now, including the compact Garmin Xero C1 and the handy Magnetospeed units which attach to your rifle.

Today we feature a new 55-minute video from Bryan Litz of Applied Ballistics. In this video Bryan explains how to measure muzzle velocity with various chronograph types and then explains some methods for optimizing your ES/SD. Bryan explains: “Muzzle velocity is an important variable for long range shooters. This video covers some key concepts for beginners and also goes into some advanced topics that are not normally encountered to keep it interesting for experienced shooters as well.”

Watch Bryan Litz Video

Muzzle Velocity Video Segments
00:00 Intro and Motivation
04:28 Statistics
11:19 Sky Screen Chronographs
25:29 Magnetospeed Basics
29:11 Magnetospeed – Advanced
39:26 Radar Chronographs
48:34 Truing Muzzle Velocity
54:06 Summary

This video from the manufacturer explains how to use the excellent Garmin Xero C1 radar chronograph. This popular new unit has proven to be user-friendly and very reliable. The ultra-compact size makes it easy to transport and deploy at the range.

Get a Good Ballistics App — Consider the NEW AB Quantum App

Once you have recorded your muzzle velocity successfully you can use the MV data with your known bullet BC and range altitude to plot the trajectory of bullet flight. This will tell you the correct scope elevation setting for the distance of your target. We recommend getting a good Ballistics App for your mobile device so you can run ballistics at the range.

Definitely check out the impressive new AB Quantum App from Applied Ballistics. Consumers can now download the AB Quantum App for either iOS (Apple) or Android devices. There is a free basic version, as well as an Elite subscription, which unlocks many more features for just $2.99/month or $19.99/year (see chart below). For more information visit

applied ballistics quantum app solver profile shooting bryan litz android ios apple

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December 10th, 2024

Create Your Own Custom Targets with FREE Online Program

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

Are you a do-it-yourself kind of guy with a creative eye? Then you’ll love the FREE Target Generator from the folks at This FREE, interactive webpage allows you to design a variety of fun targets, including grids, benchrest-type Score/Group Shooting targets, sight-in targets, and even playing card targets. Choose the paper size and orientation (vertical or horizontal), then select the number of target elements on the page. For example, you could have four (4) bulls or a dozen playing cards. Then click the Style TAB to choose your target style. Use the OPTIONS TAB to overlay a grid on the target, choose squares or diamonds, or include load information blocks. For bullseye targets, you can control the number, color, and spacing (diameter) of the rings. LINK to TARGET GENERATOR.

QWIK TIP: For Super-Quick Target Creation, click the “Target Style” tab, then select a design from the list on the left. Then go to OPTIONS.

Click the TARGET STYLE TAB to select one of many target styles, including NBRSA Benchrest targets and 20+ types of NRA bullseye targets, scaled to distance:

NRA High Power
NRA Pistol
NRA Rimfire
Playing Cards
Load Test Blocks

Creating new targets is fast and easy. No computer graphics skills required! We created this green diamonds grid target in just five minutes using the ShooterShed Target Generator:

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

And here is a handy target with short-range range Benchrest competition-style box/circle aiming points, along with fields for entry of gun/load data:

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

The program provides a preview of each target you generate. There are controls to choose border and fill colors. If you like a particular design, save the file, and then print as many targets as you want. Check it out, this program is fun and handy to use. Here are four (4) targets your Editor created just for this article. With a bit of practice, you can be generating your own custom targets in minutes.

Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest
Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest Target PDF Generator Free Bullesye Benchrest

About the Creator of the Target Generator
The Target Generator program was created by Rod Brown of Sheridan, Wyoming. Rod tells us: “I build custom rifles… I’ve got a 100-yard range out my back door. I shoot short- and long-range benchrest competitively around the country. I’m a full-time software development consultant and an FFL holder. When I’m not developing custom software for my clients, I’m usually fiddling in the shop, building a custom benchrest rifle, traveling to a match, chambering a barrel, or reloading some ammunition.”

Story tip from Boyd Allen. We welcome reader submissions.
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December 10th, 2024

Safety Tip: Adjust Loads Conservatively with Coated Bullets

Moly Danzac Bullet Coating Anti-friction HBN

Coating bullets with a friction-reducing compound such as Molybdenum Disulfide (Moly) offers potential benefits, including reduced barrel heat, and being able to shoot longer strings of fire between bore cleanings. One of the effects of reduced friction can be the lessening of internal barrel pressures. This, in turn, means that coated bullets MAY run slower than naked bullets (with charges held equal).

To restore velocities, shooters running coated bullets are inclined to “bump up” the load — but you need to be cautious.

Be Careful When Increasing Loads for Coated Bullets
We caution shooters that when your start out with coated bullets in a “fresh barrel” you should NOT immediately raise the charge weight. It may take a couple dozen coated rounds before the anti-friction coating is distributed through the bore, and you really start to see the reduced pressures. Some guys will automatically add a grain or so to recommended “naked” bullet charge weights when they shoot coated bullets. That’s a risky undertaking.

moly coated bullets friction chronograph

We recommend that you use “naked” bullet loads for the first dozen coated rounds through a new barrel. Use a chronograph and monitor velocities. It may take up to 30 rounds before you see a reduction in velocity of 30-50 fps that indicates that your anti-friction coating is fully effective.

We have a friend who was recently testing moly-coated 6mm bullets in a 6-6.5×47. Moly had not been used in the barrel before. Our friend had added a grain to his “naked” bullet load, thinking that would compensate for the predicted lower pressures. What he found instead was that his loads were WAY too hot initially. It took 30+ moly-coated rounds through the bore before he saw his velocities drop — a sign that the pressure had lowered due to the moly. For the rounds fired before that point his pressures were too high, and he ended up tossing some expensive Lapua brass into the trash because the primer pockets had expanded excessively.

LESSON: Start low, even with coated bullets. Don’t increase your charge weights (over naked bullet loads) until you have clear evidence of lower pressure and reduced velocity.

danzac moly coated coat bullets

danzac moly coated coat bullets

Procedure After Barrel Cleaning
If you shoot Moly, and clean the barrel aggressively after a match, you may want to shoot a dozen coated “foulers” before starting your record string. Robert Whitley, who has used Moly in some of his rifles, tells us he liked to have 10-15 coated rounds through the bore before commencing record fire. In a “squeaky-clean” bore, you won’t get the full “benefits” of moly immediately.

To learn more about the properties of dry lubricants for bullets, read our Guide to Coating Bullets. This covers the three most popular bullet coatings: Molybdenum Disulfide (Moly), Tungsten Disulfide (WS2 or ‘Danzac’), and Hexagonal Boron Nitride (HBN). The article discusses the pros and cons of the different bullet coatings and offers step-by-step, illustrated instructions on how to coat your bullets using a tumbler.

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