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December 23rd, 2024

BargainFinder 483: AccurateShooter’s Deals of the Week

AccurateShooter Deals of the Week Weekly Bargain Finder Sale Discount Savings

At the request of our readers, we provide select “Deals of the Week”. Every Sunday afternoon or Monday morning we offer our Best Bargain selections. Here are some of the best deals on firearms, hardware, reloading components, optics, and shooting accessories. Be aware that sale prices are subject to change, and once clearance inventory is sold, it’s gone for good. You snooze you lose.

NOTE: All listed products are for sale to persons 18 years of age or older. No products are intended for use by minors.

1. Graf & Sons — Berger Hybrid Bullets In Stock

berger bullet sale
⏺️ Good deal on very successful match bullets, multiple calibers

When it comes to competition bullets it’s hard to beat Berger’s Hybrid Target Bullets. These match projectiles utilize their industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth.

2. Powder Valley — Hodgdon Powder Sale

hodgdon powder sale
⏺️ Great, hard-to-find powders in stock at good prices

Powder prices are still quite high compared to a few years ago, but the current Hodgdon Powder Sale at Powder Valley offers major savings. Many of the most popular powders are IN STOCK with substantial discounts so this is time to buy before prices go up next year.

3. CDNN Sports — Winchester .22 LR Wildcat, $169.99 w/rebate

winchester 22LR rimfire .22 LR wildcat reflex optic bargain sale discount CDNN sports
⏺️ Fun rimfire rifle complete with optic — good owner reviews

With the Winchester Holiday Rebate you can get a .22 LR Winchester Wildcat (with optic) for just $169.99. That’s a steal for a reliable, semi-auto rimfire rig with a Red Dot Optic — a good choice for plinking and NRL22 matches. Now through 12/31/24 if you buy a Winchester Wildcat or Xpert rifle you get $25 back by mail-in rebate. The Winchester Wildcat takes Ruger 10/22 mags, has a good trigger, field-removable lower receiver, ambidextrous controls, integral Picatinny rail, and rear barrel access. If you don’t need the optic, you can get a basic Wildcat for just $159.99 with Strata Camo stock ($184.99 before rebate).

4. EuroOptic — ZEISS Holiday Binocular Sale

zeiss binocluar sale
⏺️ Very high-quality binoculars with significant savings now

Hunters need good binoculars for spotting game animals. The ZEISS Terra Binoculars offer impressive performance for the price. Right now you can save $125 on these budget-friendly binoculars that combine outstanding SCHOTT ED glass elements with a compact weather-sealed housing. The 10×42 and 8×42 models are marked down from $499.99 to $374.99, a $125 discount. Focus is fast and easy and these Terra binocs offer excellent twilight performance.

5. CDNN Sports — S&W M&P Shield 2.0, $379.99/$389.99

smith wesson pistol sale
⏺️ Awesome deal on two Smith & Wesson .40 S&W handguns

Here are great deals on two excellent .40 S&W defensive pistols. Right now CDNN Sports has slashed prices on quality M&P Shield .40 S&W pistols. Choose either a 4″ barrel version at $379.99 or a more compact 3.1″ model at $389.99. The larger model has fiber optic sights and no thumb safety while the shorter model has ported slide, thumb safety, and Tritium night sights. Both these handguns come with a FREE S&W Performance Center pistol cleaning kit with jags, brushes, slotted tips, t-handle, and patches.

6. Amazon — Frankford Arsenal Case Trim Prep Center, $151.96

brass cae prep sale
⏺️ Versatile system popular with hand-loaders — good price

The Frankford Arsenal Case Trim and Prep Center (#ad) houses the key tools you need to trim, chamfer, and deburr brass, and clean primer pockets. The case holder features an adjustable collet and bushing system that indexes the case shoulder and can be set to precisely trim brass to an exact length. Built from aluminum with a durable steel frame, the Frankford Case Trim and Prep Center is sturdy and has earned praise from purchasers. Right now it is just $151.96 on Amazon (#ad), a 24% discount.

7. Amazon — Frankford Arsenal Depriming Tool, $39.99

frankford arsenal decapping sale
⏺️ Convenient tool — no press needed to deprime anywhere

Decapping fired brass can be tedious when using a reloading press and decapping die. Make things easier with the Frankford Arsenal Platinum Series Hand Deprimer Tool (#ad). You can deprime cases while watching TV. This handheld unit features an easily removable spent primer catch tube and an assisted-ejection case holder for easy removal of deprimed cases. The handle is spring-loaded to return the deprimer to the start position automatically.

8. Palmetto State Armory — CCI 9mm Ammo, $11.49/50 rds

CCI 9mm ammo sale
⏺️ Quality brass-cased 9mm ammo at an ultra-low price

The 9mm Luger is the most popular centerfire pistol cartridge. Here is a great 9mm ammo option. Grab this CCI Blazer 9mm 124gr ammo for only $11.49 per 50-rd box — the best price we’ve found on very good CCI 9mm Luger ammunition. For recreational shooting, CCI Blazer 9mm ammo delivers consistent reliability and exceptional value.

9. Amazon — Caldwell Matrix Adjustable Shooting Rest, $54.39

caldwell pistol matrix rest sale
⏺️ Versatile 2-part shooting rest for pistols and hunting rifles

When sighting-in a hunting rifle or testing pistol loads, it’s really useful to have a basic rifle rest. The very affordable Caldwell Matrix Adjustable Rest (#ad) is specifically designed to work with both rifles and pistols. Use the front section by itself with a handgun, then attach the rear support for rifle shooting. An innovative spring-loaded elevation system allows for fast one-handed, no wobble adjustment.

10. Amazon — Wheeler P-Handle Tool Set, $45.78

wheeler tool sale
⏺️ Big discount on very complete set of drivers

If there’s one thing everyone needs in the workroom it’s a good set of hex and torq drivers. You can grab the Wheeler 30 Piece SAE/Metric Hex and Torx P-Handle Set (#ad) for only $45.78 and have everything you need to work on guns and gear. This kit has SAE and Metric hex-type driver, plus Torx drivers, offering the full range of drivers you might need.

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December 23rd, 2024

Save up to $200 with Factory Rebates Through End of 2024

2025 pistol shotgun rifle rebate savings 2024 colt savage precision cz smith wesson

You can save big bucks on guns and gear with factory rebate programs. But with the end of 2024 fast approaching, dozens of great shooting industry rebate programs are about to expire. Many major rebates on rifles, pistols, optics, and/or ammunition require purchases no later than December 31, 2024.

If you are in a buying mood (maybe to get a new gun as an Xmas gift to yourself), check out these notable rebate offers. We showcase 16 great discount/rebate programs. These rebates can save you big bucks on rifles, pistols, shotguns, ammo, or gear. Many of these rebates are worth $100 or more. For example you can Save $200 on a Colt CBX Precision Rifle, Save $150 on a Franchi Rifle, or Save $50 to $150 on an Smith & Wesson wheelgun. Note: most of these promos are good through the end of December 2024, but some expire in January 2025 — so check the dates.

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Find More Rebates at and Sportsman’s Outdoors.

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December 23rd, 2024

Want to Make an Xmas Gift of a Gun? Learn the Laws First!

firearm gun gift law rules NSSF
Image Courtesy NSSF. This story is based on an NSSF Article.

‘Tis the season of gift-giving (Christmas Day is 8 days hence). Perhaps you’re considering giving a a first rifle to your grandson or perhaps a carry pistol to a spouse. When making a gun gift to a friend or family member, however, there are some very important legal considerations. Also the rules on firearms gift transfers vary from state to state. Bottom line here — you need to know the law BEFORE you deliver that shiny new firearm to a family member, close friend, or relative.

The first thing to remember if you’re thinking about giving someone a gun is that … it’s a gun! You already know that ownership of a firearm brings with it some serious legal and ethical obligations that other consumer products don’t. So let’s look at some questions you may have about giving a firearm as a gift.

firearm gun gift law rules NSSF
Image Courtesy NSSF

ATF Firearms gun giftsThe first question you have to ask is whether the intended recipient can legally own the firearm where he or she lives. With more than 20,000 different gun laws on the books, even the kinds of firearms that law-abiding citizens can own vary from place to place. For example, juveniles (under age 18) generally speaking are precluded by law from possessing a handgun. Check out the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) website for an overview of local laws and, whatever you do, don’t forget that you can never under any circumstances transfer a firearm to someone you know — or have reasonable cause to believe — legally can’t own one. That’s a federal felony, so be careful.

There’s no federal law that prohibits a gift of a firearm to a relative or friend who lives in your home state. Many states — including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington State and the District of Columbia — require you to transfer a firearm through a local FFL-holder so an instant background check will be performed to make sure the recipient is not legally prohibited from owning the gun. Maryland and Pennsylvania require a background check for private party transfer of a handgun. And yes, Oregon has new restrictions due to the passage of Ballot Measure 114 (though a State Judges has issued an injunction blocking some provision BM 114). There are exceptions, so it’s important to check the law of your state or ask your local firearms retailer.

ATF Firearms gun giftsConsider a Gift Card Instead of Direct Gift
The ATF recommends that if you want to give someone a new firearm, rather than going to a gun store and buying the gun on your own, consider instead purchasing a gift certificate/card from your favorite gun retailer. Then give that gift card as the present. That way the recipient can choose the exact gun he or she wants, and there’s no question about who is “the actual buyer of the firearm”, which is a question any purchaser must certify on the Federal Form 4473 at the time of purchase. The Gift Card option avoids any “straw purchaser” issues.

Intra-Family Transfers and Antique Arms
What if you want to give “Old Betsy,” your favorite old deer rifle, to your son or daughter as a college graduation gift? Again, in some states, there’s no law that says you can’t, but many states require even intra-family transfers to go through a licensed dealer. Remember, you can never transfer a firearm directly to another person who is a resident of a different state. In that case, you must transfer the firearm through a licensed dealer in the state where the person receiving the gift resides.

Using a gift certificate from a firearms retailer near where the recipient lives might be a good solution. Be safe and check with an in-state FFL dealer before you give any firearm to a friend or family member.


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