June 1st, 2008

Eric Stecker of Berger Bullets notified us that Berger wants to hire a technical services representative. The candidate must be an experienced rifle reloader who can work on the phone 4-6 hours daily, Monday through Friday. Since the job can be done remotely (at your location), you can pretty much work anywhere in the USA.
Stecker reports: “Berger is growing. Daily we receive requests for technical assistance. We are looking to hire a part time (remote) technical representative. Requirements for this position are more than five years experience as a rifle case reloader. You must be well-versed in reloading for rifle cartridges in calibers for which we make bullets (17 cal through 30 cal for now, soon to include 338 through 50 cal).
You must be able to provide focused attention to those who need assistance. The job requires 4 to 6 hours, each day, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays and vacation). You must be computer literate and comfortable on the phone.
Salary + Free Bullets
It is not a requirement, but being an active, competitive shooter is a plus. This is a part time position which does not include medical benefits. However you’ll receive as many Berger Bullets as you can shoot, along with your pay (to be set based on experience).
It is my sincere hope that this opportunity finds someone who is filled with a genuine love of the shooting sports and who has some time on their hands. Those who are genuinely interested (and available) need to send their resume (shooting and reloading experience focused) to me at eric.stecker [at] bergerbullets.com.”
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