NBRSA 600-Yard Nationals in Sacramento, April 24-26
The 2009 NBRSA 600-Yard Nationals (Sloughhouse 600) will be held April 24, 25, and 26, at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center. This 3-day match is hosted by the Folsom Shooting Club, at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center in Sloughhouse, CA, a few minutes East of Sacramento. This event grows more popular every year as more and more top shooters are drawn to the relatively new 600-yard benchrest discipline.
Last year, Jerry Tierney (shown in VIDEO below) dominated the field, shooting a 6mmBR Improved in an Elesio R5 Tubegun. CLICK HERE to read an in-depth report on last year’s 600-yard Nationals, with lots of photos.

Match information plus range maps are available at www.sacvalley.org in the “Upcoming Events” section, or click the links below:
NBRSA 600 Nationals Match INFO
Download NBRSA 600 Nationals REGISTRATION FORM (.pdf file)
Match fees are currently $75.00 per class (light gun and heavy gun). If you have further questions, or need forms mailed to you, contact match Director Ed Eckhoff: (530) 661-6018; e-mail: eckran@yahoo.com.