After a series of try-outs, 28 shooters have been selected to the U.S. F-Class Open Development Team. From this select group of 28 shooters, F-Open Team USA squads will be filled for future international team matches. After further try-outs, the top 18 (16 + 2 alternates) will be selected for the final F-Open team that represents the United States in the next World F-Class Championship in 2013.
The idea behind the Development Team is that having a larger group of qualified individuals to draw from makes it easier to field a strong team at any given time. Not everyone can travel at the same time — particularly to international matches. From the 28 current Development Team members, a final 18-shooter team will be chosen prior to the 2013 World Championships at Raton, New Mexico.
The U.S. F-Open Development Team — Officers, Coaches, Shooters
Captain: Shiraz Balolia
Vice Captain: Bryan Otey
Head Coach: Bob Mead
Coaches: Emil Praslick, Rick Hunt, Trudie Fay
(sorted by first name)
Bob Bock (Senior)
Charles Ballard
Charles Clark
Danny Biggs
David Gosnell
David Mann
Dean Morris
Doc Bock
Don Nagel
Emil Kovan
Erik Cortina
Herb Edwards
Jim Fowler
Jim Murphy
John Brewer
John Dunbar
John Gaines
John Myers
Ken Dickerman
Kenny Adams
Larry Bartholome
Larry Taite
Mark Walker
Rick Jensen
Ron Herms
Ryan Pierce
Tony Robertson
Walter Lange
The Try-Out Process for the F-Class Open Development Team
The U.S. F-Class Open Rifle Team held nine try-outs throughout the country in six different cities over the course of the last two years. These shooters had to prove themselves multiple times shooting at 1000 yards. The shooters were tested on their ability to shoot under a coach and hold vertical. Each and every shooter had to meet minimum standards. The process was very transparent with all shooters being able to view other shooters’ scores and targets.
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Panteao Productions has just released Make Ready with James Gilliland: Long Gun Basics, a $49.99 DVD. This is the first instructional video in the Make Ready series on long range precision shooting. Host James Gilliland, founder of Shadow 6, is a former United States Army Ranger. While serving in Ramadi, Iraq, Gilliland was recognized for engaging an enemy combatant with a M24 SWS at a range of 1250 meters with a single round, setting a record for the 7.62mm NATO cartridge. In this video Gilliland takes you step by step through ammo and caliber selections, bolt gun and gas gun choices, optics, rifle assembly, initial cleaning, pre-fire check, precision shooting fundamentals, building your dope book, accessories, and more. Whether you use a bolt gun or semi-auto gas gun, this video does offer some good basic tips on setting up your gun and mastering the fundamentals of accurate tactical shooting. It will have limited usefulness to benchrest shooters.
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Report by Murray Hicks
On March 10, 2012, history was made down under when 78 shooters attended the inaugural BRT 500m Fly Shoot National Championships held in Canberra, Australia. 500m fly shooting has grown immensely in popularity down under since the first Fly Shoot was held in Canberra, 22 years ago. The Fly Shoot is a highlight of the Aussie shooting calendar, attracting the largest field of competitors among any benchrest-style match in Australia. The day of the match was a cracker (that means good in the Aussie lingo) with blue skies and light winds.
CLICK “PLAY” to hear Murray Hicks talk about the sport of Fly-Shooting in Australia. Murray explains Fly Shoot rules, including the famous Rule 10: “Any competitor found not enjoying themselves, will be disqualified”.
[haiku url=”″ title=”Fly Shoots by Murray Hicks”]
The 500m (560-yard) Fly Target is shot for score on a target with 10 scoring rings, plus a central fly image (instead of an “X”). A shot that hits any part of the fly counts as 10.1. Bonus points are also awarded for group size, with one point for a group under 10″ up to a maximum of 10 points for a group under 1″. Thus, 60.5 is the max possible score for one five-shot target (10.1 x 5 plus ten bonus points).
The Fly Shoot has two equipment classes: Light Gun (under 17 lbs.) and Heavy Gun. This is one of the few matches in Australia where Light and Heavy guns shoot head to head for overall placings. The wide variety of chamberings/calibers used by competitors is remarkable. Unlike the 600-yard BR game in the USA, which is dominated by small 6mm cartridges, at Australia’s Fly Shoots, you will see everything from small varmint calibers all the way up to big-bore Magnums. Many shooters favor the big 30s because it’s easier to see .30-caliber bullet holes through the mirage. This year’s Canberra event was won by Stuart Elliott shooting a 300 Win Mag. It was fitting that Stuart won the Inaugural BRT 500m Fly National Championships. Stuart, who runs BRT Shooters’ Supply, was one of the three Fly Shoot “founding fathers” who dreamed up the Fly Shoot discipline 22 years ago.
Spotters Add to the Fun
The use of a spotter during the match is permitted and even encouraged. This adds greatly to the fun of the shoot. Having a good mate on a spotting scope alongside you spotting your shots and helping to call the wind changes can really help when conditions get rough (as they often do).
The past year has seen the 500m Fly Shoot officially recognised by the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) and added to the official rule book. As a result the March shoot in Canberra this year became the Inaugural Fly Shoot National Championships. BRT Shooters’ Supply came on board as the event’s major sponsor, offering BRT’s full support and organizing an excellent prize pool. Thus the “BRT 500m National Fly Shoot Championships” was born.
The BRT 500m Fly Shoot Nationals were shot in reasonably good conditions, with major rains and floods in the week leading up to the shoot things were looking a bit dodgy. Luckily the day before the shoot the weather started to clear and over 40 tons of gravel had to be bought in to repair the access road to the 500m target line which had been washed away. The main organiser David Groves and his willing team of helpers took this all in their stride and did a tremendous effort to keep things running smoothly.
The inaugural shoot had an international flavor with shooter Sebastian Lambang, maker of the Seb rest, making the trek from Indonesia to compete. Lambang bought along his new switch-barrel rifle. With wide front “wings” attached and his .284 barrel, Seb finished 14th overall and 7th in Light Gun.
Top Competitors at 500m BRT Fly Shoot Championships
Name – Score – Class + Placing
1. Stuart Elliott: 261.03 — HG 1
2. Murray Hicks: 260.05 — HG 2
3. Anthony Hall: 257.03 — LG 1
4. Jason Trotter: 249.02 — HG 3
5. Annie Elliott: 247.03 — HG 4
6. Michael Farr: 242.04 — HG 5
7. Les Fraser: 242.01 — HG 6
8. Les Fraser: 241.01 — LG 2
9. Tyson Trotter: 238.01 — LG 3
10. Roy Gow: 237.02 — LG 4
11. Mick Easton: 235.02 — LG 5
12. Dave Groves: 228.02 — HG 7
13. Michael Bell: 228.01 — LG 6
Other Important Results
Small Group Paul Read: HG 1.382″
Best target Jason Trotter: HG 58.01
Best Junior Roy Gow: LG 237.02
Note on Rankings: The ranking list (the “Dirty Dozen”) includes 13 rankings of 12 shooters. Les Fraser shot both classes, finishing 7th overall with his HG and 8th overall with his LG. A second entry is included in the “Dirty Dozen” list for Les to allow recognition of his second highest score in Light Gun Class. However, each shooter normally only gets one overall ranking in the “Dirty Dozen” top 12.
All photos are copyright Murray Hicks, used with permission.
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Three-gun match competitor Zak Smith employs a simple, handy means to store his elevation and wind dift data — a laminated data card. To make one, first generate a come-up table, using one of the free online ballistics programs such as JBM Ballistics. You can also put the information in an Excel spreadsheet or MS Word table and print it out. You want to keep it pretty small.
Below is a sample of a data card. For each distance, the card includes drop in inches, drop in MOA, drop in mils. It also shows drift for a 10-mph cross wind, expressed three ways–inches, MOA, and mils. Zak explained that “to save space… I printed data every 50 yards. For an actual data-card, I recommend printing data every 20 or 25 yards.” But Zak also advised that you’ll want to customize the card format to keep things simple: “The sample card has multiple sets of data to be more universal. But if you make your own data card, you can reduce the chance of a mistake by keeping it simple. Because I use scopes with MILS, my own card (photo below left) just has three items: range, wind, drop in MILS only.”
Once you have the card you can fold it in half and then have it laminated at a local office store or Kinko’s. You can keep this in your pocket, tape it to your stock, or tie the laminated card to your rifle. If you regularly shoot at both low and high elevations, you may want to create multiple cards (since your ballistics change with altitude). To learn more about ballistic tables and data cards, check out the excellent “Practical Long-Range Rifle Shooting–Part 1″ article on Zak’s website. This article offers many other insights as well–including valuable tips on caliber and rifle selection.
Scope-Cover Mounted Ballistics Table Another option is to place your ballistics card on the back of the front flip-up scope cover. This set-up is used by Forum member Greg C. (aka “Rem40X”). With your ‘come-up’ table on the flip-up cover you can check your windage and elevation drops easily without having to move out of shooting position. Greg tells us: “Placing my trajectory table on the front scope cover has worked well for me for a couple of years and thought I’d share. It’s in plain view and not under my armpit. And the table is far enough away that my aging eyes can read it easily. To apply, just use clear tape on the front objective cover.”
Updated Links for JBM Ballistics Program
With the release of version 5.1 of the JBM program, some URLs for the calculations pages have changed. You may want to update your bookmarks with the following web addresses:
If you have a firearms collection, you need an inventory of the guns, with serial numbers, photos, and detailed descriptions. This is important for insurance and law enforcement purposes. If your firearms are ever stolen or destroyed in a fire or other natural disaster you need a complete inventory if you expect to get a proper insurance payout. There is nothing wrong with writing down descriptions of your guns in a “hard-copy” notebook or ledger. However, many gun owners don’t bother to take photos of their firearms, making it difficult to claim full value during loss. Additionally, ledgers are easy to misplace, and, in the event of a fire, your “hard copy” gun inventory may go up in smoke. has created Gun Inventory, a handy $0.99 smart-phone App that makes it easy to create a detailed inventory of all your firearms, complete with photos. Gun Inventory works with iPhones, iPods, iPads and all iOS devices (no Android version yet). Using this App, in a few minutes you can inventory all your guns, complete with photos taken with your iPhone’s camera. The app allows you to fill in details such as Make, Model, Serial Number, Finish, Barrel Length, and any other info that can help identify your firearms. After the info is saved, your guns are organized into a easily-navigated list, that you’ll have with you when you leave home. Need an inventory print-out? Just email the list from your iPhone or iPad to any web-mail address.
How Secure Is Your List on a Phone?
In reviewing this product, we initially thought: “It’s a really BAD IDEA to carry around a list of your guns on a cell phone”. If a bad guy accesses your iPhone gun list, he learns you are a prime target for theft, and, unfortunately, your home address can be easily traced from your cell number. But the creators of the Gun Inventory App have given some thought to security. First, the App has an optional password protected login screen. By all means, if you use this App, use the password protection! (We wish the log-in screen did not say “Gun Inventory” — that’s enough to tell thieves that you’re a gun owner. The App developers should create a “stealth” entry screen with a title such as “Baby Pictures”.) Second, if you lose your phone, you can delete your gun list using the remote wiping features that come on iOS devices. The Gun Inventory App can be purchased for just $0.99 through the iTunes App Store.
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Ruger just announced its new Ruger 10/22 Takedown rifle. This lightweight rimfire rifle comes apart into two sub-assemblies in a matter of seconds. The 4.67-pound Ruger 10/22 Takedown is 37″ long when assembled; each sub-assembly is less than 20 1/4″ long when disassembled. Ruger even supplies a handy storage case to hold the disassembled Ruger 10/22 Takedown.
The barrel and fore-end of the Ruger 10/22 Takedown are easily separated from the action and buttstock by pushing a recessed lever, twisting the sub-assemblies, and pulling them apart. Reassembly is the reverse of takedown. The friction-fit lockup of the assembly joint can be adjusted, but Ruger says it should rarely need re-setting after initial assembly. Ruger claims that “the lockup is secure and repeatable, ensuring an accurate return to zero, even when receiver-mounted optics are used.”
The Ruger 10/22 Takedown is shipped in a ballistic nylon backpack-style case with internal sleeves to hold the sub-assemblies. External pockets with MOLLE webbing provide storage for magazines, ammunition, and other accessories. Multiple attachment points for the padded, single shoulder strap offer different carrying options.
MSRP is $389.00 with Storage Case
Utilizing the standard 10/22 action and 10-round rotary magazine (one magazine is provided), the Ruger 10/22 Takedown represents a reliable, compact, and portable package at an affordable price. MSRP is $389.00 MSRP, and we expect “Street Price” to settle around $340.00. For more info on the new Ruger 10/22 Takedown visit or To find accessories for the Ruger 10/22 Takedown, such the 25-round Ruger BX-25 magazine, visit
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American Rifleman Magazine is now available in a web-friendly online version. The eZine version of American Rifleman navigates like a conventional print magazine — so you start with an index at the front and you can flip pages from front-to-back. You can also navigate with thumbnails (on the left) and zoom in and out if you find items of interest. Those who prefer reading articles in a magazine-style format should enjoy the American Rifleman digital eZine.
Excellent Article about Norma
In the lastest April digital edition of American Rifleman (on page 122), you’ll find “A Century of Bullets and Brass”, a fascinating 20-page history of the Norma company. Founded by the Enger brothers from Norway, Norma started producing boat-tail 6.5mm bullets in 1902. Using once-fired brass, Norma began loading 6.5×55 ammunition in 1914, and the company started making its own Norma-headstamp cartridge brass in 1917.
Other highlights of the April 2012 edition include:
Interviews with Top Shot Winners Dustin Ellermann and Chris Reed (p.144).
Review of the new Sig Sauer 224 compact pistol by Field Editor Wiley Clapp (p. 94).
Discussion of the “Castle Doctrine” which allows citizens to defend home and family (p. 30).
Previews of new Guns, Optics, and Gear at NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in St. Louis.
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Here’s good news for .221 Fireball and 20 Vartarg Fans — within the next five to eight weeks, Nosler-brand .221 Fireball brass will hit the market. We just got off the phone with Nosler, whose representatives confirmed that Nosler will be selling 100-ct boxes of .221 Rem Fireball brass very soon (item #10078). Product is expected to start shipping “in a month or two”. Nosler’s .221 Fireball brass is crafted by a third-party supplier, and then final-finished by Nosler at its Bend, Oregon factory.
We tried to find out the name of the third-party source without success. However, Nosler did confirm that this brass “is definitely NOT made by Remington“.
Expected retail for the Nosler .221 Fireball brass is $60.00 to $80.00. Online retailer Precision Reloading currently has the Nosler-brand .221 Fireball brass on order, with a stated retail price of $69.39 for a 100-ct box, product # NS10078. You’ll find the Nosler .221 Fireball brass on the Precision Reloading website, but it is currently listed as “out of stock”. Check back in a few weeks to see if the Nosler .221 Fireball brass has started shipping yet. NOTE: In addition to the new .221 Fireball offering, Nosler has announced that it will sell brass in three other new calibers: 17 Remington, .222 Rem, and 270 WSM.
As soon as its new .221 Fireball brass becomes available, Nosler has promised to send us samples. We want to see how the Nosler brass compares to Remington-brand .221 Fireball brass — currently the only type on dealers’ shelves. With Nosler’s reputation for quality, we hope the Nosler .221 Fireball brass will be a step up from Remington’s product. The Remington brass does the job but case weights and neckwall thicknesses are not particularly uniform, and the Rem brass is fairly soft.
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Mark you calendars for April 13-15, 2012. Those are the dates for the 141st NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, to be held this year in St. Louis, Missouri. As ever, there will be plenty to see and do at the NRA National Meetings/Exibits. There will be seminars, celebrity appearances, and priceless collections of firearms. Virtually all the major gunmakers in the country should have their latest products on display. In fact, there will be more than 500 exhibitors, whose displays will cover 340,000 square feet of exhibit hall space. In addition to fireams, you can see knives, wildlife art, shooting accessories, hunting gear, ATVs, and much more. You’ll even find an airgun range on site where you can shoot air rifles provided by Pyramyd Air.
To learn more about the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, visit, the NRA’s Meetings/ Exhibits website. There you’ll find floorplans, seminar schedules, lists of exhibitors, plus information on hotels and travel. Look for the latest updates on the NRA’s Facebook Page.
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Now through April 6, 2012, Sinclair’s Stainless Micrometer “Ultimate Trimmer” system is on sale for $159.99. That’s a $20.00 savings off the normal $179.00 price. This unit comes complete with micrometer cut-length control, stand, Shark Fin clamp for the case-holder, and a stainless Wilson cutter housing. NOTE: Caliber-specific case-holders are sold separately.
The Sinclair Micrometer head allows reloaders to easily adjust trim length in .001″ increments with an adjustment length of over 2″. The micrometer features easy-to-read, engraved unit markings and may be locked in place. The Ultimate Trimmer can trim cases from 22 Hornet up to 416 Rigby.
The Sinclair Stainless Ultimate Trimmer comes with Sinclair Mounting Stand and handy Shark Fin Clamp. This system makes easy work of installing and removing your trimmer case holder in a smooth “swing-arm” motion. The Shark Fin trimmer clamp secures the case head firmly against the micrometer adjustment head for a quick and accurate, chatter-free trim. NOTE: We have found that you will get the most accurate, repeatable trim lengths if you set the shark fin to a firm tension and do NOT hold the case-holder with your hand — let the Shark Fin clamp do the job. The video below shows how to use a Wilson case trimmer (with micrometer, stand and Shark Fin).
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If you want to learn how to shoot accurately at very long-range, one of the very best places to learn is the Williamsport 1000-Yard Benchrest School. The Fifth Annual Benchrest School will be held April 27, 28 and 29 this year. There are still a few slots available for this year’s sessions. Classes, taught by top 1K shooters, are held at the Original Pennsylvania 1000-Yard Benchrest Club Range, one of the best 1K ranges in the country.
Prospective students will be taught all aspects of long range benchrest shooting from some of the most skilled marksmen in the country. All areas are covered from load development, precision reloading, bench skills, and target analysis. Much time is spent at the loading bench and on the firing line.
If you’re interested, you need to contact the school directors right away. While these Benchrest schools typically sell out, as of 3/24/2012, there were still a few student slots available for the late-April class session. If you want to grab one of the remaining slots for the 3-day school, don’t hesitate. For more information or to sign up for the 2011 1000-Yard Benchrest Class this April, contact School Director Frank Grappone, or visit the Williamsport website,
To see what the 1K Benchrest school is like, watch the slide show/video below, produced by Sebastian Reist, an alumnus of the 2009 Williamsport 1000-yard BR school. Sebastian, a talented professional photographer, captured the highlights of his Williamsport 1K training weekend:
Brownells’ 6th Annual Gunsmith Career Fair will be held at the Des Moines Marriot Downtown in Des Moines, Iowa, April 27-28, 2012. The Sixth Annual Gunsmith Career Fair is expected to draw hundreds of attendees along with representatives from three dozen potential employers. As in past years, the Career Fair will include gunsmithing seminars along with opportunities for individuals to interview for jobs with arms-makers and government agencies.
In addition to industry and government representatives, many trade schools and colleges offering gunsmithing programs will be exhibiting at the 2012 Gunsmith fair. These include: