Blast from the Past — Old Prices on Powder and Primers
Yes we miss the good old days… when reloading components were readily available and very affordable. Today, on Gunbroker, a single 1000-count box of primers may sell for well over $300. And some vendors are asking $90 for a single pound of powder that sold for $30 per pound just last year.
We can’t change prices for you, but we can offer a “sentimental journey” back to the “good old days” via a Flashback Thread in our Shooters’ Forum. There, Forum members have posted some items from their collections, with the original prices.
What is the best deal you can remember? How about $1 per pound forty-six years ago — member STS posted: “It was probably 1975 when I bought 100 pounds of H335 from Bruce Hodgdon for $100. It came in cardboard boxes with black trash bags inside. I shot every flake of it at prairie dogs.”
Reloder Powder from Hercules (Now Alliant) for $3.80 per Pound
CCI and Winchester Primers, $16.30 and $13.00 per Thousand
Today some CCI primers are selling for over $300 per thousand on Gunbroker. Member JayHHI6818 said: “Found these the other day in a shoe box in our bedroom closet!”. Nice find Jay!
Hodgdon H4350 for $10.87 per Pound
H4350 remains one of the most popular powders with competitive shooters. It’s ideal for many midsized cartridges, offering great accuracy and temp stability. Today it’s hard to find this powder at ANY price!

Remington 2 1/2 Primers for $1.50 per Hundred
Remington Arms folded. However Remington primers will be produced by Vista Outdoor after the collapse and bankruptcy of Remington Arms. Vista Outdoor, which owns CCI and Federal, will take over the Remington ammunition production facilities.
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- Powder Inflation — Price of Powder Now vs. 46 Years Ago
- Those Were the Days — Hodgdon Powder Prices 45 Years Ago
- Be Shocked — Hodgdon Powder Prices in 1978 — $44 for 8 Lbs!
- Memory Lane — The Price of Powder (How Things Have Changed)
- Vista Outdoor Announces Ammo, Powder, Primers Price Hikes
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Tags: H4350, Hodgdon Powder, Inflation Prices, Powder, Primers, Remington Arms
Just a panic buying again. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon.
I recently sold all my powder and primers on Accurate Shooter forum and my local club at below the sticker price that was on them because I’m tired of being raped by the powder burning industry.
I sold it all in 90 minutes and walked away with $7,000. I put it all into two air rifles and a pistol
and 12,000 pellets.
I bought 8,000 pellets for less than 200 rounds of .45ACP ammo.
I have seen online that all 4 factories that make primers in the United States have a 2 year backlog of orders. It’s going to be that long, at least, before things start to right themselves. I recently pulled everything out of storage and I have 36K CCI and Winchester primers, 100lb of IMR 4895 48lbs IMR3031 and 48lbs of IMR 4064. Im really glad I went nuts last time this happened and bought a 5 year supply along with environment controlled storage