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January 17th, 2025

Federal Legislation Introduced to Ease Regulation of Suppressors

2025 hearing protection act h.r. 404 suppressor silencer legislation Cline congress

A Virginia Congressman has introduced legislation which will take suppressors (aka “silencers”) off the NFA list and make them much easier to purchase. That’s a good idea because a quality suppressor can reduce firearm sound levels by 30 decibels (dB) or more. U.S. Rep. Ben Cline’s Hearing Protection Act (H.R. 404) would remove firearm suppressors from the list of restricted items under the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA). That would reduce costly licensing ($200 per suppressor) and burdensome background checks. Instead, suppressors would be regulated under the 1968 Gun Control Act (GCA) with the same type of background check done with retail firearm purchases. The legislation would also amend statutory suppressor definitions.

Under current law, an individual purchasing a suppressor must locate a regulated NFA Class III retailer, complete a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Form 4 with the model and serial number of the suppressor, and obtain two passport photos and fingerprint cards from a local police department. The local chief law enforcement official must receive a completed copy of the application. Then the form, photographs, and fingerprints must be sent to ATF along with a check to pay the $200 tax. The customer can obtain the suppressor from the NFA Class III retailer upon an additional background check through FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

2025 hearing protection act h.r. 404 suppressor silencer legislation Cline congress

Congressman Cline’s legislation would eliminate those requirements and make suppressors available with the same type of paperwork and background check required for a firearm. H.R. 404 would also clarify the definition of suppressors, ensuring that components like mounts, baffles and end caps are not erroneously classified as standalone suppressors or “silencers”.

“Congressman Cline’s Hearing Protection Act will have the federal government recognize firearm suppressors for what they are. These are accessories to a firearm that make recreational shooting and hunting a safer experience”, said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior V.P. and General Counsel. “These safety devices reduce the report of a firearm to a level that won’t cause instant and permanent hearing damage.” There are currently 2.6 million legally owned suppressors in the United States.

See Through Suppressor in Super Slow Motion (110,000 fps) — Click Arrow to Watch:

Suppressors, On Average, Reduce Noise Levels about 30 Decibels
In an article for Ammoland, gunwriter Sam Hoober says that you can expect about 30 decibels (dB) of noise reduction from the average suppressor: “Looking at a few different products, SilencerCo attests their suppressors reduce the sound pressure of a 9mm gunshot to anywhere from 125.7 dB to 131.5 dB, depending on the model. Advanced Armament Co, another popular supplier, attests a 23 dB to 33 dB reduction or down to 127 dB. Liberty Suppressors, another manufacturer, attests a reduction of 24 dB to 38 dB, depending on model and other factors. In short, we can presume something on the order of 30 dB of attenuation as an average.”

suppressor silencer moderator facts fiction sound levels noise decibel dB

Using that 30 dB number you can quickly discern that you’ll still need hearing protection — good hearing protection — when shooting any suppressed firearm (even a .22 LR). “Spikes of 130 dB and more can result in permanent hearing damage instantly”. Source: NRA Blog.

2025 hearing protection act h.r. 404 suppressor silencer legislation Cline congress

Firearm suppressors (aka “silencers”) reduce the report of a firearm from a level roughly equal to that of a jet taking off which causes instant and permanent hearing loss to one that is safe, but still equal to a jackhammer. That decibel level will not permanently damage hearing. Suppressors work similar to a car’s muffler, redirecting exhaust gases.

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January 17th, 2025

Friday Funnies — Amusing Wisecracks Heard at the Range Range Humor joke funny quote

Shooting can be a frustrating sport at times, prompting shooters to say some funny things in the heat of the moment. Here’s a collection of humorous range ripostes, supplied by Shooters’ Forum members (who are listed after each quote). Enjoy.

CLICK HERE for full Forum Funny Saying Thread.

“I paid to use all of the target and I’m getting value for money on all of the real estate!” (Macropod)

“At 65 years of age, 1000-yard benchrest is better than sex, because a relay lasts 10 minutes!” (The Viper)

“How did I do?” “Well the gun went off and nobody got hurt, we can build on that….” (Mr. Majestic)

“Treat that trigger likes it’s your first date, not like you’ve been married to it for 20 years.” (Jet)

“It’s a good thing broad sides of barns aren’t at many shooting ranges.” (Rocky F.) Range Humor joke funny quote
Target photo by Forum member RyanJay11.

“It was an 0.2″ group! Well, err, except for that flyer….” (Dsandfort)

“It’s not the arrow, it’s the Indian.” (Rocky F.)

“I can’t understand it. That load worked good in my other barrel”. (Hogpatrol)

“You bakin a biscuit?” Said to me as I was sitting at the bench ready to shoot with a cartridge in the chamber of a hot gun, taking longer than necessary. (Ebb)

“Shooting groups is easy. Just put the last three between the first two.” (Uthink)

Shooter 1: “Hey you cross-fired on my target!”
Shooter 2: “Well you cross-fired on mine first!”
Shooter 1: “Yeah but you could have at least shot an X like I did on yours.” (At Raton — Rocky F.)

“I had a bughole going and my second shot dropped straight down!” (JDMock)

“The nut came loose on the end of my stock.” (TXDan)

“That’s a pretty eight.” (REastman quoting James Crofts)

“I almost shot a record.” (Jay Christopherson)

This article is Copyright 2023 No reproduction on any other website is allowed.

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January 17th, 2025

SHOT Show 2025 — How Big an Event Is This?

SHOT Show statistics history 2025

SHOT Show statistics history 2025SHOT Show 2025 kicks off in Las Vegas, Nevada in less than three weeks, starting with Industry Day at the Range on 1/20/25 where new guns can be tested at the Boulder City Rifle & Pistol Club range.

SHOT Show draws visitors from around the world. At SHOT Show 2024, exhibitors, buyers, media, and industry professionals hailed from 50 states and over 115 countries. The 2025 SHOT Show will have more than 2,700 exhibitors on the show floor, including the Suppliers Showcase. Total exhibit space for the 2024 show in these two venues is estimated to be more than 830,000 net square feet –equivalent to more than 18 acres or enough space to park 547 F-16 fighter jets. The SHOT Show boasts 13.9 miles of aisles — a distance more than half a marathon.

Firearms and ammunition are an $8.9 billion industry. The total economic impact of the sporting arms and ammunition industry is more than $90.1 billion, which supports more than 384,000 jobs.

SHOT Show statistics history 2025

More than 55,400 professionals in the shooting, hunting, outdoor and law enforcement industry attended SHOT Show in 2024. There could be even more this year. The SHOT Show’s website is and you’ll find daily reports on the SHOT Show Blog. You can also follow SHOT Show on Twitter @NSSFSHOTShow, on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and @shotshow on Instagram.

Shot shot 2025

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