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January 22nd, 2010

SHOT Show Report: Hornady Unveils New AutoCharge Powder Scale/Dispenser

Hornady is late to the party with its first electronic powder scale and dispenser, but the new Hornady AutoCharge looks impressive. This product competes directly with RCBS’s popular ChargeMaster 1500. Similar in size and layout to the ChargeMaster, the new Hornady AutoCharge has three (3) speed modes, and will be more affordable than the Chargemaster. We like the idea of three user-selectable speeds, a feature not found on other digital dispensers from Lyman, PACT, and RCBS. The Hornady Autocharge also has calibration weights suited to both low and high powder charges. Hornady claims accuracy of ± 0.1 grain, the same as the ChargeMaster.

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Hornady won’t start shipping the AutoCharge until April, 2010, so we’ll have to wait until late spring to get a test unit. Then we can see how the AutoCharge performs and see if it can really deliver repeatable ± 0.1 grain precision. We do predict that when the AutoCharge starts shipping in April, it will offer stiff competition for the RCBS ChargeMaster. Hornady’s red AutoCharge will sell for approximately $300.00. That’s about $75 less than the RCBS ChargeMaster 1500 scale/dispenser.

Hornady AutoCharge Dispenser

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January 16th, 2010

Custom-Fitted ChargeMaster Cover for $24.00

If you have $300.00 invested in an RCBS ChargeMaster Electronic Scale/Powder Dispenser, you don’t want dust, dirt, and grime to accumulate on the unit. It makes sense to keep your ChargeMaster covered when not in use, particularly to keep dust and grit out of the sensitive load cell area.

Some guys just put a cardboard box or grocery bag over the top of their ChargeMasters between uses. That works (sort of), but there is a more elegant solution. Forum member “John Doe” from Nevada sells a custom-fitted green ChargeMaster cover for $24.00. He says the items are sewn by his neighbor. If you have a family member who knows how to run a sewing machine, you could put together this kind of cover for a couple dollars. But even at $24.00. the item seems popular with our readers so we’re featuring it here. To order a ChargeMaster cover, send email to .

RCBS ChargeMaster cover

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January 7th, 2010

Printing Error in Hodgdon 2010 Manual — Get Free Fix

Hodgdon Powder ManualHodgdon Powder Company announced that an error occurred in printing of the 2010 version of the Hodgdon Annual Manual. Pages 108 and 109 in the manual, which cover 7mm caliber load data, appear in reverse order. But don’t despair — you can get a free correction from Hodgdon. Do not use the 7mm caliber data as it appears in the 2010 Hodgdon Annual Manual until the corrected copy is received.

Contact Hodgdon Powder Company for a free reprint of pages 108-109. You can phone 913-362-9455, fax 913-362-1307, or send email to You can also send postal mail to: Hodgdon Powder Co., 6231 Robinson, Shawnee Mission, KS 66202

All Hodgdon, IMR®, and Winchester® reload data is also available on-line at,, and in the Reloading Data Center.

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December 23rd, 2009

New Smartreloader iSD Digital Powder Dispenser

Smartreloader powder dispenserA new digital powder dispenser just hit the market. Priced at just $205.99 (at, the new Smartreloader iSD Digital Powder Scale & Dispenser, is about $100.00 less expensive than RCBS’s popular ChargeMaster. Designed in Italy, the Smartreloader iSD dispenser has the ability to work with either 110 volt (American) or 220 volt (European) power supplies.

The new Smartreloader iSD has some impressive features, such as fast calibration and a selectable trickle function. We hope to get our hands on one soon so we can comparison-test it against an RCBS Chargemaster. You can learn more about this new powder dispenser at General specs are very similar to the Chargemaster: the iSD scale has a maximum capacity of 1,500 grains and has claimed accuracy of ±0.1 grains. You can store up to 50 loads in internal memory, and users can select four (4) different measurement units: grams, grains, carats, or ounces.

Where can you find this new powder dispenser? Supplies are very limited right now, but in the USA, Smartreloader-branded products will be carried by,, Midsouth Shooters Supply, and The worldwide distributor of Smartreloader products is H.T. Helvetica Trading, a Swiss-based company. CLICK HERE for a list of Smartreloader vendors in other countries.

Smartreloader powder dispenser

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December 21st, 2009

IMR 8208 XBR in Stock at has received a large shipment of the new IMR 8208 XBR powder. This is good news as Powder Valley recently sold out. has both 8-lb jugs for $149.99 (item IMR82088) as well as smaller 1-lb containers for $21.99 (item IMR82081).

If you haven’t heard about IMR 8208 XBR, this is a very promising new powder that is very accurate, meters well, and is much less temp sensitive than other powders of similar burn rate. This powder should be ideal for many applications including .223 Rem, .204 Ruger, 6 PPC, and .308 Winchester. Will 8208 XBR work in a 6BR or Dasher with heavy bullets? We’ll let you know soon — we’re planning to test it ourselves with an 8-twist 6mm BR.

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December 18th, 2009

Powder Valley has IMR 8208 XBR Right Now

We just spoke to Bryan at Powder Valley. He confirmed that right now (0800 PST, Friday, Dec. 18th), Powder Valley has some IMR 8208 XBR on the shelves. All the 8-lb jugs are sold out, but Powder Valley still has roughly 100 1-lb bottles of IMR 8208 XBR. The price is $19.00 per pound, PLUS haz-mat and shipping.

Those interested in trying this promising new powder should contact Powder Valley immediately. Log on to or call (800) 227-4299.

If you want this powder, then act quickly. It may sell out within a few hours.

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November 19th, 2009

Hornady Announces NEW Superformance Ammunition — Claims 100-200 FPS More Velocity

Hornady Manufacturing has just announced its new line of “Superformance” hunting ammunition. Hornady claims that, “across the board” the new Superformance ammo will deliver “100 to 200 fps higher velocities than any other standard ammunition currently available.” Hornady also claims its Superformance ammo delivers increased velocities “WITHOUT increases in felt recoil, muzzle blast, temperature sensitivity, fouling or loss of accuracy.” Hornady President Steve Hornady says this is “a whole new standard in ammunition performance… We are going to be able to raise the velocity of almost any [hunting] load you’ve ever used… by 100-200 fps.” Surprisingly, the marketing materials even claim that Superformance ammo delivers higher velocities with “no increases in barrel wear” — something that runs contrary to common sense.

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Rather amazing claims are being made for this new Hornady ammo. Are such claims to be believed? Well, when tested Alliant Reloder 17 powder last year we confirmed that it could deliver 100-200 fps more velocity than most popular powders, in some cartridges. Presumably, Hornady is employing propellants with technologies similar to Reloder 17. Hornady’s marketing materials state that it is using “ultra progressive” “21st Century” propellants for the new Superformance ammo. Hornady has also brought out a line of GMX® mono-metal bullets that feature two deep cannelures for reduced bearing surface. It is well-established that this kind of bullet design can yield higher velocities, particularly in the big-bore calibers with heavy bullets.

GMX Hornady bulletSo… the velocity claims may be bonafied, though we would expect the velocity gains will vary among the cartridges. Some chamberings will benefit from the new propellants more than others. And only half the Superformance ammo line-up features GMX bullets, the other half being loaded with more conventional SST® bullets.

How about the claims regarding recoil? The claim that Superformance ammo can deliver 100-200 fps more velocity without any more recoil is questionable. Hornady can’t alter the laws of physics. If a bullet of given weight has a higher muzzle velocity, it MUST produce more recoil than the same bullet moving slower — provided that the propellant charge weight (and rifle weight) are held constant. The only way Hornady can achieve higher velocities without increased recoil is by either: 1) reducing bullet weight; or 2) reducing the powder charge (or gas-related recoil). Hornady could hold recoil constant if its new propellants achieve the higher velocities with a reduced powder charge compared to “conventional” loads.

Hornady has issued an 11-page technical report that provides support for many of its marketing claims. Authored by Hornady Senior Ballistician Dave Emary, the report features some interesting test results, summarized in graphs. Regarding the recoil question, Emary argues that “Recoil … has parts to it that are not commonly understood. The fundamental misunderstanding of recoil is that the recoil is over when the bullet leaves the barrel. In truth, the vast majority of recoil occurs after the projectile exits the barrel. By far the greatest percentage of recoil is produced by the force of the gases and propellant residue/ejecta leaving the barrel.” Emary cites test results showing that “approximately 85 – 90% of the recoil happens after the projectile has left the barrel”. If Emary is correct, then Hornady might be able to achieve higher bullet velocities without enhanced recoil, provided the gas-based force is reduced.

We strongly recommend you read Emary’s report. CLICK HERE to download Superformance Ammo Report.

Hornady plans to release a complete line-up of Superformance ammunition for twenty chamberings: 243 Win, 6mm Rem, 257 Roberts, 25-06, 6.5 Creedmoor, 270 win, 7×57, 7mm-08, 280 Rem, 7mm Mag, 308 Win, 30 TC, 30-06, 300 RCM, 300 Win Mag, 338 RCM, 338 Win Mag, 375 H&H, 375 Ruger, and 458 Win Mag. CLICK HERE to review all the available calibers and bullet options for Superformance ammunition.

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October 5th, 2009

IMR 8208 XBR Load Data Available Online

We interviewed Chris Hodgdon of Hodgdon Powder Co. and learned some important information about the IMR’s new 8208 XBR powder. First Chris confirmed that ADI (Australian Defense Industries Ltd.) is the manufacturer. The powder is a very small extruded powder, similar to H322 in kernel size. That means it packs densely in a case and meters well in manual powder measures. As to burn rate, Chris stated that IMR 8208 XBR is “a tad slower than H4895.” Chris confirmed that the powder’s distinctive qualities are temp stability in an ultra-wide temperature range and a very broad accuracy window. Chris said: “Jim Carmichael found he could go up and down [significantly] in his charge weight and the group size didn’t vary.”

Hodgdon has already begun shipping IMR 8208 XBR to “OEM manufacturers” according to Chris, who said a major manufacturer will be loading the powder into .308 Win ammo and possibly other cartridges. Chris hopes to send some of the new 8208 XBR powder for testing within two weeks. When will the powder be available to the general public? Chris couldn’t give a firm answer, but he stated “we hope to start shipping in January, 2010, prior to SHOT Show.”

IMR 8208 XBR Load Data Now Online
The Hodgdon Reloading Center site has been updated to include IMR 8208 XBR load data for 41 cartridges. Go to and select “Cartridge Loads”. Then you’ll need to input the rifle cartridge of your choice. We quickly found IMR 8208 XBR loads for the .223 Rem, 22 PPC, 22-250, 6 PPC, 6mm BR, 6.5 Grendel, and .308 Win, and many other cartridges. NOTE: For most of these cartridges, the stated “max load” velocities were NOT particularly impressive. So, be aware, that this initial load data is pretty conservative.

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October 3rd, 2009

Hodgdon Releases Impressive New IMR 8208 XBR Powder

Hodgdon IMR 8208 XBRHodgdon Powder Co. has unveiled a brand new powder, IMR 8208 XBR. From early reports, this is an exceptional new propellant that may change the way the game is played in short-range benchrest. According to Hodgdon, “IMR 8208 XBR is a remarkably advanced technology propellant” formulated for popular match, varmint and sniper rounds, including 223 Rem, 308 Win, 6mm PPC, 204 Ruger, 6mm BR, 22-250 Remington and similar calibers. We’re told the powder is being produced by ADI in Australia.

IMR 8208 XBR is Consistent in All Conditions
This short grain extruded rifle powder exhibits exceptional stability with virtually no change in velocity at temperatures ranging from -40 degrees F to 165+ degrees F. Lou Murdica, who helped develop this new powder, confirms that it is not temp-sensitive. Lou told us: “I have been shooting IMR 8208 XBR for over a year and I have done a lot of winning shooting it. One of the great things about this particular powder is, I always shoot the same load whether I shoot it in Florida or Phoenix AZ. I have never had to adjust for temperature or humidity.” That’s big news in the short-range BR game. Currently, most competitors must tailor their load to suit conditions.

IMR 8208 XBR is Already Winning Matches
Lou Murdica, one of the nation’s top BR shooters, won numerous matches with 8208 XBR in 2009, including the Heavy Varmint Grand Agg at the Cactus Classic. In August 2009, Jim Carmichel won the Heavy Varmint Grand Agg at the IBS Group Nationals. What is significant here is that Jim shot the exact same load of IMR 8208 XBR both days to win the event. That’s right–this powder requires far less “tuning” than most other powders currently used in short-range benchrest.

Product Development and Performance
Lou Murdica revealed some interesting facts about IMR 8208 XBR. Lou explained that the development team was initially trying to produce a propellant that would match the desireable characteristics of the “classic” T32 powder from the 1960s. In the process of developing a T-Powder clone, Lou says that the Hodgdon/IMR powder wizards came up with something even better: “We were originally pursuing a formula like T-Powder, but we came up with something a bit different. It was so good, and shot so well, that we didn’t want to lose it. It turned out that this stuff shot as well or better than the earlier T-clone mixtures and was incredibly stable.”

Lou MurdicaLou continued: “I’ve shot a lot of T-Powder and it is sensitive in certain way. I feel this new powder is equal to, if not better than, a T-Powder clone because 8208 XBR is not sensitive. I can shoot the same load, at any location, in any temperature or humidity. Additionally, and this is very important — the new powder is very forgiving. It has a very broad accuracy window. If you’re shooting 30.0 grains in a 6 PPC successfully, we found you could go down to 29.8, or up to 30.2 and the accuracy was still there. You won’t see a change in group size. It has a very wide and forgiving load window.”
[CAUTION: These charge weights may be excessive with your rifle and your bullets. Always start 10% low and work up.]

The new powder is versatile and has plenty of energy. Lou tells us “8208 XBR is a great powder. With a 6 PPC shooting 68-grainers, I can get up into the 3500 fps range. And the powder will work with larger cases too. I’ve tried it with success in a 6BR with 105s and I think it will work in a Dasher or 6 BRX. I also shot it in a 22BR successfully.”

Lou predicts that IMR 8208 XBR will have a big impact on the Benchrest game once it is widely available: “Once this powder gets in people’s hands I think you’re going to see GREAT things. It’s not finicky. It meters really well out of normal powder measures. It’s really stable. There are plusses all around. We’ll know within a year whether it becomes the powder to beat.”

Lou is no longer involved in the sale or distribution of IMR 8208 XBR: “I’m not in it any more. I have to buy my powder like everyone else.” But he encourages all BR shooters to give it a try: “The powder is fantastic. I have been telling everyone to go to your powder dealers and order it. Buy a jug and shoot it.”

Lou has high praise for the folks at Hodgdon: “You can’t say enough good things about Chris Hodgdon and Hodgdon’s willingness to develop this new powder. They’ve finally given us something we’ve really wanted and really needed. What they have done is great.”

Product Availability — IMR 8208 XBR in Short Supply until 2010
IMR 8208 XBR will be available in 1-lb canisters and 8-lb kegs in 2010. Hodgdon has produced limited quantities already, and you may be able to find some 8208 XBR at popular vendors, such as Powder Valley, in early January, 2010. You’ll need to call around to see who has it.

For more information or complete data visit, phone IMR at (913) 362-9455 or write to 6231 Robinson, Shawnee Mission, KS 66202.

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August 31st, 2009

Euro Powder-Maker Shares Technology with ATK (Alliant), Plans Joint Production in USA

Alliant Reloder 17If you have followed our reports on Reloder 17, you’ll know that this Alliant powder, produced in Europe by Rheinmetall Nitrochemie, is a unique propellant that, in many cartridges, can offer 100 fps (or more ) velocity than any other commercial powders. The secret to the extra speed is a proprietary Nitrochemie process that embeds or saturates the kernels with burn-rate controlling compounds. This allows a longer duration, extended energy release. Most conventional extruded powders have surface coatings only. These tend to have a strong “spike” in their energy release but then decrease rapidly in energy output. By sustaining the energy release over a longer period of time (in the barrel), powders such as Reloder 17 promise to deliver higher velocities than could be achieved with other propellants.

Following the release of Reloder 17, sources at Alliant Powder, an Alliant Techsystems (ATK) subsidiary, confirmed that we can expect more powder products using the new Nitrochemie technology. Alliant plans to release both a faster powder (for 223-sized cartridges) and a slower powder (for large magnums).

ATK and Rheinmetall Nitrochemie Announce Strategic Partnership
Rheinmetall Nitrochemie (RN) is jointly owned by Rheinmetall AG and RUAG of Switzerland. Since 2005, ATK has been a Rheinmetall sales partner. Now ATK and Rheinmetall Nitrochemie plan a much closer relationship, through which RN will share propellant technologies and ATK and RN will produce powders together in US facilities. ATK has agreed to a “strategic partnership” with the Rheinmetall Nitrochemie Group, the propellants division of the Düsseldorf-based Rheinmetall Defence Group.

According to, “Under terms of the agreement, propellant technologies will be transferred from Nitrochemie to ATK, and the two companies will target sales in North America and elsewhere. While Rheinmetall will gain access to expanded markets, ATK will receive licenses to manufacture and sell powder and propellant systems developed by the German firm. These products will be marketed to both the U.S. military and other ammunition manufacturers.” Through the strategic partnership, ATK will become the exclusive North American vendor of the new-generation Nitrochemie propellants. The technology transfer positions ATK as the exclusive North American provider of Nitrochemie’s Extruded Impregnated (EI), Extruded Composite Low-sensitivity (ECL), Surface Coated Double Base (SCDB), and R-Type propellants.

Rheinmetall Nitrochemie to Build Powder-Making Facility in the USA
As part of the new, expanded business relationship with ATK, Rheinmetall Nitrochemie will shift some of its actual powder production to the United States. Rheinmetall and ATK revealed “medium-term plans” under which a new, powder-processing plant will be set up in the USA and operated by Rheinmetall Nitrochemie in cooperation with ATK. This will allow Nitrochemie propellants to be sold at more competitive prices, since they will no longer have to be shipped across the Atlantic. No specific date was given for the construction of the new powder factory.

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August 3rd, 2009

ChargeMaster and Rock Rest on Sale at Midsouth

We regularly visit vendor websites looking for good deals. Here are a pair of attractive bargains we found at Midsouth Shooters Supply.

The RCBS ChargeMaster 1500 Combo (with scale and dispenser) is now on sale for just $299.99, item # 044-98923. This remains our top-rated electronic powder dispenser system. You can watch one in action below. This video, created by a shooter in Norway, shows a Chargemaster dispensing Vihtavuori N140 powder. Using a Casio EX-F1 camera, the video was recorded at a high frame rate — up to 1200 frames per second. This allows “Slow-Motion” playback. At the end of the video you can watch the charge being thrown in normal time. Note how it slows down to trickle the last few tenths of a grain.

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Caldwell Rock BR front restMidsouth also has the Caldwell Rock BR Competition front rest on sale for just $149.99, item 094-440907.

While many “Rock” owners end up replacing the front bag, this unit is a surprisingly good rest for the money. With a 15.5-lb cast-iron “slingshot” base similar to the Bald Eagle design, the Caldwell Rock is very stable. The captain’s wheel works fine for elevation adjustments. Windage adjustment is less than ideal, as a threaded shaft rotates the whole head to adjust windage, rather than sliding the head back and forth in a straight line. At the extremes of adjustment, that can cause some binding, but most of the time it works just fine. For Varminters this may be all the rest you need.

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July 9th, 2009

Best Price on RCBS ChargeMaster 1500 Combo

Folks have been asking us where they can obtain the RCBS Chargemaster 1500 Combo (both scale and dispenser) at the best price. We’ve done some searching and the lowest price we found was at Natchez Shooters Supply: $289.95. The unit is listed “in stock” as of today.

RCBS Chargemaster 1500 Combo

MidwayUSA also has the ChargeMaster 1500 Combo for $319.99, and it is also in stock.

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