August 23rd, 2007

New Sinclair High Power Log Book

Sinclair Int’l has a new 150-page competition log book with many smart features. You’ll like the way the book is designed and organized. There are 30 plot sheets for each position; that’s enough for 30 complete 80-round matches. Target sheets (grid-lined in 1 MOA squares) are printed as large as possible for plotting hits. The target sheets are also color-coded for each stage — 200-yard slow fire standing, 200 yard sitting rapid, 300-yard prone rapid, and 600-yard prone slow fire. The book even includes MOA windage charts for commonly used cartridge/bullets with elevation come-ups out to 600 yards.

Sinclair Int'l Highpower log book

The log book includes windage and elevation data along with separate pages to record sight settings for various yardages and ranges, separate pages for recording scores, pages to keep track of total rounds fired, note pages, and blank windage charts to fill in custom data. Plot sheets include boxes to record pertinent range data, “no-wind zeros”, actual wind, corrected wind, and values. The new Sinclair High Power Record Book, item 15-2600, costs $11.75.

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