December 14th, 2008

EAR GEAR — Volume Discounts on -33db Ear Plugs

Cooper Safety Supply offers quality Howard Leight earplugs at great prices. These plugs taper at the inboard end, and flare on the outside for better noise seal. Comfortable to wear, the Leight “Max” earplugs offer an outstanding -33db sound reduction rating. We like the “Max 30″ corded version because they stay around your neck when removed and they are much more difficult to misplace. The basic (uncorded) Max plugs are on sale–just $26.40 for 200 pairs. The corded Max plugs are just $24.97 for 100 pairs. That’s still a great deal as most gunshops charge $1.00 per pair. Earplugs are great “stocking stuffers” for all your shooting friends, or you could purchase a couple hundred for your local shooting club.

howard leight ear plugs

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