Punkin Chunkin Championships Tonight on Discovery Channel
Need a fun and entertaining break from boring parade broadcasts, and post-feast kitchen duties? Then tune your TVs to the Discovery Channel tonight. At 8:00 PM Eastern, the Discovery Channel (and Discovery’s Science Channel) devote a full hour to America’s wildest display of agricultural artillery — Punkin Chunkin. Discovery’s hour-long special (repeated at 9:00 pm tonight) covers the 2011 World Punkin Chunkin Championship. This fun-filled event, held in Delaware each November, draws up to 70,000 spectators, raising money for charity. For the first time, the Punkin Chunkin special is hosted by Tory Bellici, Kari Byron and Grant Imhara from Mythbusters. View Chunkin Cannons Gallery.
At the annual Punkin Chunkin event, teams challenge each other to see how far they can fling a pumpkin, using some amazing contraptions — giant crossbows, Trebuchets, spinning turntables, and gigantic air cannons with 100-foot-long barrels. For the chunkin machine-builders, this is serious business. Many teams work all year on their entries. Tune in tonight to view the spectacle. Believe it or not, the largest air cannons have shot pumpkins over 5,000 feet — nearly one mile.