Video Reminds Gun Owners to Register and Vote
Here’s a video featuring ‘Gunny’ R. Lee Ermey. This clip is entertaining to be sure, but it carries an important message — gun owners need to register to vote, and they must go to the polls on election day. Ermey explains: “This is a critical time for our nation, and too many people are sitting back to let others do the hard work. So it’s time for all of us to put some gas in it and persuade all eligible gun owners to register. That’s why I volunteered my time to film the ad shown here.” So if you haven’t registered to vote yet, do so as soon as you can. As Gunny Ermey says: “Now it’s your turn and I want to see results! NO EXCUSES. I expect 110% [effort] right now from everyone who values our freedoms!”
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Tags: Election, R. Lee Ermey, Register to Vote, Voter Registraion, Voting