Lee Reloading Kit Just $89.99 at MidSouth
For someone just getting started in reloading, who wants a functional, yet inexpensive set-up, MidSouth Shooters Supply is offering a Lee Breech Lock Challenger Press Reloading Kit for just $89.99. This features a Challenger press with Lee’s New Breech-Lock inserts (3 Breech Lock Bushings supplied with kit). We like the Breech-Lock System–it holds your dies solidly in position, yet you can swap them out with just a quick one-third turn of the die. It’s a smart feature for a single-stage press.
The Breech Lock Challenger Press features an all-steel linkage, and a very handy tube-type primer catcher. Midsouth’s $89.99 Challenger Press Reloading Kit includes the Lee Auto Prime, Auto Prime shell holder set, Pefect Powder Measure, Safety Scale, Powder Funnel, Case Cutter and Lock Stud, Chamfer tool, Sizing lube, Small and Large Primer Pocket Cleaners. This is a heck of a deal for all that equipment. Lee’s suggested retail price for the Breech Lock Challenger Press Kit (item 90030) is $144.98.
There is an excellent review of the Lee Breech Lock Challenger Press Kit on Realguns.com. This review has nice, large photos, and clearly illustrates how the Breech Lock system functions.