FREE Remington 2013 Catalogs and Rem 700 Owner’s Manual
Want a FREE Remington Catalog? Well here you go. The latest editions of Remington’s product catalogs are now available online. You can view a digital version of the 2013 Remington Catalog in an ezine-style format, with tabs and flippable pages. Alternately you can download the 2013 catalog as a PDF file, either section by section, or as one big, humongous file. (Warning — the complete 2013 digital catalog PDF is a 187.5 mb file). You can also download a free PDF version of the Remington Model 700 Owner’s Manual (link below).
The Rifle Catalog features all the latest Remington rifles, including the Model 700 ‘Target Tactical’ model. This 11.75-lb gun boasts a Bell & Carlson composite stock with ergonomic grip and adjustable LOP and cheekpiece. The .308 Win Target Tactical retails for $2117.

Ballistics Data for Dozens of Factory Loads
Remington also has a comprehensive Ballistics Data Sheet with ballistics information for all Remington loaded ammo — from 17 Fireball all the way up to the 45/70 Government. Even if you don’t use factory-loaded ammo, this is a very useful resource that allows you to quickly compare velocities, energy, wind drift, and drop among a wide variety of cartridges. Which shoots flatter… a .204 Ruger or a 22-250? Remington’s Ballistics Data Sheet provides a quick, reliable answer. Info is laid out in tables, with color coding for different bullet types.