Legislation (H.R. 95) Would Make It Easier to Buy Suppressors
Thunder Beast Arms suppressors from the SilencerShop.
A bill has been introduced in the U.S. Congress to make it much easier to buy a suppressor (aka silencer). Well it’s about time! While other countries permit (and even encourage) suppressor use with minimal regulation, the USA still requires local police involvement, lengthy waits, onerous background checks, fingerprints, and a $200 tax stamp just to own a metal cannister that reduces the noise of a firearm. That doesn’t make sense. At last some politicians are working to change those restrictions.
The Hearing Protection Act (H.R. 95)
U.S. Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina has introduced H.R. 95, The Hearing Protection Act. This bill would remove firearm suppressors from the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA), eliminating onerous and duplicitous background checks. Instead, suppressors would be regulated under the 1968 Gun Control Act (GCA) with the same background check that is required for a retail firearm purchase.
It makes sense to change the law. Currently it is a major, costly burden to obtain a suppressor even though firearm suppressors are legal to own and possess in 42 states. Some countries actually REQUIRE the use of a suppressor when hunting or recreationally shooting. In Europe, suppressors are widely available and can often be purchased in a hardware store without a background check. So why is America so different? Because we have stupid, antiquated laws that do not recognize the many benefits of suppressors.
How to Obtain a Suppressor Currently — Too Many Hurdles and “Red Tape”
Under current law, an individual purchasing a suppressor must locate a retailer that is regulated as a NFA Class III dealer, complete a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Form 4 with the model and serial number of the suppressor, and obtain two passport photos and fingerprint cards from a local police department. The local chief law enforcement official must receive a completed copy of the application. Then the form, photographs and fingerprints must be sent to ATF along with a check to pay the $200 tax. Currently, it takes ATF about nine months to process the paperwork. Then, the customer can obtain the suppressor from the NFA Class III dealer upon an additional background check through FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).
Congressman Duncan’s legislation would eliminate those requirements and make suppressors available with the same paperwork, record-keeping, and background check procedure that is currently required for purchasing a firearm. So if you can buy a rifle, shotgun or pistol now, you could also buy a suppressor, with no extra fees, licenses, tax stamps, fingerprinting, or police approvals.
“This legislation removes barriers to owning an accessory that makes recreational shooting and hunting safer, more accurate and allows shooting ranges to be better neighbors”, said Lawrence Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “Firearm suppressors are a safety device designed to make recreational shooting safer. They were originally listed under the NFA over concerns of poaching during the Great Depression, but that never bore out. Even today, suppressors are exceedingly rarely used in crime.”
Firearm suppressors reduce the report of a firearm from a level typically about 165 decibels — roughly equal to that of a jet taking off. Sound levels that high can cause instant and permanent hearing loss. A quality suppressor can reduce the sound by 30 to 35 decibels. That suppressed noise level is still loud, but will not permanently damage hearing. Suppressors work similarly to a car’s muffler, redirecting exhaust gases. The suppressor/silencer was first patented more than 100 years ago by Hiram Maxim.
Similar Posts:
- Federal Legislation Introduced to Ease Regulation of Suppressors
- Hearing Protection Act (H.R. 367) Introduced in Congress
- Legislation Introduced to Simplify Suppressor Purchase Process
- No More NFA for Suppressors? Hearing Protection Act Would Change Everything…
- Silencer Shop Makes It Easy to Acquire and Register Suppressors
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Tags: H.R. 95, Silencers, SilencerShop, Suppressors, ThunderBeast Arms
This would have worked… in 2017
More “misinformation” from TV and the movies has influenced lawmakers to ban “silencers” for years.
It’s the old “AR15 is a machine gun – I saw it on TV” syndrome.
Suppressors are a necessary part of safety and hearing protection.
Their use should be encouraged everywhere.
This bill is DOA…just RINO lip service to say ‘we really tried…’
They missed their chance to implement this bill and should’ve just pocketed it until they had better control of government
yeah I’m sure this will fly in bidens socialist america.
This bill will never pass now. We will be lucky to have anything to put a suppressor on in the future. We were promised this 4 years ago, now that it doesn’t have a prayer it is brought up. Typical Washington BS. Sad Times for America.
With Biden this is a lost cause.
with the incoming administration and congress this will go as far as a rock in a gentle breeze.
The timing is as always a little bit off. Another total waste of time from our representatives.
Bunch of defeatists on here. That’s right, let’s just roll over. Get with your Representatives and tell them what you want!