Great Guns: Top Five USPSA Production Division Pistols
Are you thinking of getting involved in Pistol Competition? Along with IDPA, the U.S. Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) offers fun, sanctioned matches throughout the country. The USPSA production division allows you to be competitive without spending a fortune on a custom-built handgun. Hundreds of handguns are approved for competition on the USPSA Production Gun List. But some Production Division guns are better than others — at least in the opinion of active competitors. Two guns dominated the rankings — representing 51% of all pistols shot in Production Division:
CZ-USA Shadow 2 (#1) | Tangfolio Witness Elite Stock II (#2)
At last year’s USPSA Nationals, competitors were surveyed. From the shooter surveys, we are able to determine the most-favored USPSA Production handguns. Here we present the top five, as ranked in the January/February 2021 issue of USPSA webzine.*
The most popular USPSA Production Division pistol, by far, is the CZ-USA Shadow 2 ($1350 retail). A full 39% of all Production class competitors at Nationals used CZ’s Shadow 2. With an all-metal frame, this beefy (46.5 oz.) pistol handles recoil well. It offers excellent accuracy out of the box. The Shadow 2, offered in various colors, features an ambidextrous safety, fiber-optic front and HAJO rear sights, and 17-round magazine. Shooting Sports USA states that: “Competitive shooters will also appreciate the double-action trigger, which is smooth and light with little to no reset.”
Here is the latest “Optics Ready” version of the CZ-USA Shadow 2 Pistol:
Being used by 12% of Production Division shooters, the EAA Tangfolio Witness Elite Stock II ($1302 MSRP) is the second most popular USPSA Production pistol. Crafted with chrome-finished metal slide and frame, this is a handsome pistol. Weighing a hefty 45 ounces (2.69 lbs), this pistol handles recoil well. This pistol has a 4.5″ barrel and holds a 17-round magazine.
Three Other Popular USPSA Production Division Pistols
Tied for third place among USPSA Production pistols are two SIG Sauer 9mm handguns along with the well-known 9mm Glock 34. The long-slide Glock G34 ($700 retail) was used by 9% of the Production Division shooters at the USPSA Nationals. Likewise 9% of the shooters used SIG Sauer’s P320 ($600 retail) or the uprated P320 X5 Legion model ($900 retail). The P320 and P320 X5 are very similar, but the X5 offers an optics-ready slide, a longer frame, flared magazine bases, and skeletonized trigger. Shooting Sports USA states: “A heavy gun at 41.7 ounces, the X5 is a specially-designed version of the P320 for competitive shooting. Equipped with a grip module that has a weighted insert and an elongated slide… the X5 is not only popular for Production division, but also for Carry Optics competition.”
This Editor owned a Glock 34 for many years. My gun was very accurate, helping me win local IDPA matches. With its low bore axis, the Glock 34 comes back on target very quickly so you can make fast follow-up shots. As you’d expect, my Glock was extremely reliable. However, I was not a fan of the Glock’s trigger pull, which was somewhat vague and inconsistent. I think one reason for the #1 ranking of the CZ Shadow 2 is its superior trigger.
* This link takes you to the USPSA digital magazine archive. However, you must be a registered member of the USPSA to view the digital magazines or download PDF versions.
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Tags: CZ Shadow 2, EAA, Production Division Pistol, Sig Sauer P320, Tangfolio, USPSA
And, of course, exactly zero of the noted models is legal in California. Ugh!
That mag well looks suspicious to me on the Sig X5 Legion. It looks like an external mag well, that I thought wasn’t allowed in Production division. It’s way more flared out than the Shadow 2 or Tanfoglio. It looks like the mag wells you see on limited or Open guns.
@Richie , the magwell on the X5 Legion isn’t legal, it’s a stock picture and must be removed to be used in Prod or CO within USPSA.
I think that magwell on the x5 legion is removable…