September 30th, 2008
Sinclair International has just introduced a new Neck-Turning Tool. Part of a complete system with carbide mandrels, this product promises to be one of the best neck-turners on the market. The new tool has many improved features we really like:
▪ The cutter body is big, and curved to fit the hand. So, it is easier to hold than the old Sinclair tool or the K&M tool.
▪ The cutter-depth adjustment works really well. A large, knurled rotary knob on the back of the cutter body connects to an eccentric mechanism. This moves the mandrel shaft (and case) in and out relative to the cutter tip. You start by setting the cutter with feeler gauges, then fine-tune with the knob. Adjustments are very positive and precise, with laser-engraved index marks. This is a very good adjustment system, we think.
▪ The end of the tool is open so you can easily eyeball the caseneck as you’re cutting.
▪ High-grade carbide mandrels in 17 through 338 calibers will be offered with the new cutter system. At about $45 per caliber, they’re expensive, but the carbide mandrels DO work better — you’ll notice smoother case rotation and less heat build-up than with conventional (non-carbide) mandrels. If you already have mandrels, don’t worry. Sinclair says: “Our single-ended stainless mandrels will work fine with the new Neck-Turning Tool.”

Precise Adjustments Possible
With the eccentric adjustment system, you can make quick cut-depth changes with great precision. The cutter adjustment knob is click-adjustable in .0002″-.00025″ per click increments. The cut depth can be adjusted through a range of .004″-.005″ using the adjustment dial. A mandrel adjustment screw is included to make mandrel set-up and adjustment easier.

Sinclair’s new Premium Neck-Turning Tool includes three (3) feeler gauges for quickly setting cutter depth in the approximate range of the cut desired. With the cutter in range using the feeler gauge, the eccentric adjustment knob can make final adjustment for the exact neckwall thickness you desire. Sinclair claims: “Cutter adjustment is very fast and sure with none of the usual trial and error experienced with other tools.”
The $145.95 Premium Neck Turning Tool Kit (item NT-4000) includes three feeler gauges and a case-holder Turning Handle. Or you can save ten bucks and get the Tool and gauges without handle for $135.95 (item NT-4100). All popular Sinclair neck-turning tool accessories, including expander mandrels, will work with the Premium Tool. Order caliber-specific carbide turning mandrels separately for $44.75 per mandrel (items 95-0XX).

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September 30th, 2008

Effective October 1, 2008, the Federal Firearms Licensing Center (FFLC) will move most of its operations from Atlanta, Georgia to Martinsburg, West Virginia. This transfer of function was mandated by Congress in ATF’s FY2005 appropriations legislation. The notice of change states: “As with previous workload redistributions, we anticipate an initial adjustment period and appreciate your patience in advance.” Please contact the FFLC toll free at 1-866-662-2750 with any questions about this change.
244 Needy Road
Martinsburg, WV 25405
1-866-662-2750 (phone)
1-866-257-2749 (fax)
Complete contact information for the FFLC, with names and phone numbers for all regional field officers, can be downloaded in a .pdf file linked below.
Federal Firearms Licensing Center Office Roster
New Assignments Starting 10/1/2008
All applications received by the FFLC with a postmark date of October 1, 2008 or later will be assigned for processing based on the new list of State assignments (see .pdf file). Applications postmarked before October 1, 2008 will continue to be assigned to their current examiner for completion.
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September 29th, 2008
The United States Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) hosts its 2008 Multi-Gun Nationals Oct. 3-5 at the Clark Range, in Princeton, Louisiana. This USPSA event requires shooters to engage multiple targets, on the clock, with pistol, rifle, and shotgun. The USPSA Nationals will draw ace action shooters from around the country. Shown below is Chris Tilley, competing at the 2007 USPSA Multi-Gun Nationals. The video shows how smoothly Chris transitions from gun to gun and how well he engages targets while on the move. If you’ve ever tried that, you know how difficult it is to aim (and hit) while running sideways. That’s why Chris, the 2006 USPSA National Open-Class Champion, is one of America’s “top guns”.
Though there are multiple classes for rifles, pistols, and shotguns (based on equipment), most competitors will be using semi-automatic firearms. The rifles will typically be AR15-style carbines with red dot sights. Most shooters use .223-caliber carbines but there is also a “Heavy Metal” division for .308 or larger caliber rifles. Open-class pistols will be 1911-based race guns with red dot or holographic sights, compensators, and high-capacity magazines carrying 20 rounds or more.
Speed, accuracy, and firepower all count in this game. Stages require anywhere from 6 to 30+ shots. The scoring system measures points scored per second, then weights the score to compensate for the number of shots fired. If they miss a target, or shoot inaccurately, points are deducted, lowering that all-important points-per-second score. Scoring is based on hits and time, plus the “Power Factor” is calculated into the equations. It can get pretty complicated, so USPSA Multi-Gun matches are scored with computer software called EZWinScore. To learn more about Multi-Gun competition, visit USPSA.org or you can download the Multi-Gun Rulebook.
STAGES: CLICK HERE for Stage Diagrams showing target sequence/placement.
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September 29th, 2008
Sophisticated electronic scoring systems (with acoustic targets) are used in Olympic and ISSF competition. Many such advanced systems have been installed at shooting ranges in Europe. The U.S. Army has also installed electronic targets at Ft. Benning, Georgia, but that range is restricted to military use except for a few special matches. Right now there’s just one facility with a full electronic target system that offers regular access to civilians, 12 months a year: AREA 52. In West Central Texas, southwest of Abilene, Spindler Arms LLC operates the modern AREA 52 Long Range Shooting facility. AREA 52 offers high-tech acoustic targets at four distances: 300m, 600m, 800m, and 1000 meters. Every shooter has his/her own target monitor for scoring. All target bays are on separate lines of sight, and shooters are spaced on a single line, so there is no conflict between 300m shooters and those shooting the longer distances.
Area 52 has scheduled three major, multi-distance competitions this fall. On October 11, AREA 52 will host a multi-distance Long Range Competition using electronic targets. The Course of Fire consists of 3 sighters and 15 record shots at each of the four metric distances (300m, 600m, 800m, 1000m). The cost is $70 per class. Max caliber is .338 Lapua Magnum. On October 25, the 3-6-8 SniperCup Challenge will be held. Limited to 50 participants, this match involves timed fire at 300, 600, and 800 meters. Thirty (30) record rounds total. There will be separate classes for semi-auto and bolt-action rifles, and the fee is $35 per class. Lastly, on November 1, Area 52 hosts a 4-distance Benchrest event with targets at 300, 600, 800, and 1000 meters. It is unusual for benchresters to be challenged at four distances this far apart, and it will be interesting to see the choice of calibers. Maybe a 6 PPC at 300 and a 300 WSM at 1000? Course of fire includes 3 sighters and 2 x 10 record rounds within 30 minutes at each distance. This is a “group-shooting” match with Score as the tie-breaker. Match fee is $ 79.00 per shooter/class/gun.

To learn more about Area 52 and the upcoming matches, visit SpindlerArms.com, or contact Wilhelm Spindler, AREA 52, 6555 N. State Hwy. 208, Robert Lee, TX 76945, phone: (325) 453-9166, email: info [at] spindlerarms.com.

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September 28th, 2008
The 2008 Spirit of America (SOA) Match was a huge success. With International Team Competition on the menu this year, the SOA drew scores of top Palma shooters from around the world. Over 160 competitors came to the Whittington Range in Raton, New Mexico to compete for honors in both Full-bore Target Rifle and F-Class matches. Spc. Tyrel Cooper of the USAMU won the Target Rifle Overall Aggregate. Ty Cooper has “been on a roll lately, and has been shooting great”, according to Veteran Team member Jerry Tierney. On the F-Class side, Larry Bartholome shot consistently to top a very competitive field. Congrats to both Ty and Larry!

Team competition was a major highlight of the SOA. In the America Match* for national teams, The U.S.A. Team finished first, beating Australia (second place) and England (third place). Individual USA Team member scores are posted below. We’re pleased to see forum member Bryan Litz shooting well, and we salute Sherri Hurd. Not only was Sherri the top female shooter in the America Match, but her 597-36X score was the third best in the entire field, after England’s David Luckman (599-35X) and Team USA teammate Tyrel Cooper (597-40x).

The U.S.A. Veterans’ Team performed extremely well, actually posting the second highest team total overall. That’s right — the American veterans out-scored the National teams of Australia and the UK. “Not bad for a bunch of old guys, wouldn’t you say”, Tierney observed. For complete Match Results, visit the Bald Eagles Club website, BaldEaglesRC.org.

For the English perspective on the match, visit the Team England Website. It offers match results, tech info about the sport, and a Photo Gallery with dozens of images.
*The America Match is a major international Palma competition first hosted in 2002. Matches are held every two years. Each team is composed of eight shooters, two sub-coaches, a main coach, an adjutant, a captain and two reserves. It is a multi-distance event. Course of fire is: 2 sighters and 15 shots for record at 300, 600, 900 and 1000 yards (or 300, 600 yards and 800 and 900 meters as appropriate to the venue).
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September 28th, 2008
For two years, Forum member John Skowron (John708) has been campaigning a 6BRX, built by Nat Lambeth (RustyStud). You’ll find the full history of John’s 6BRX project in this Forum Thread. With this rifle, John was the overall 1000-yard winner at Butner in February 2007.

The 6mm BRX is based on the 6mm BR cartridge. The shoulder is moved forward, but the shoulder angle and case taper is the same as the parent cartridge. This way you can use standard dies for most purposes (although it is a good idea to have a custom full-length die so you can size the entire case body). Many of our readers have been interested in the 6mm Improved (BRX, Dasher etc.), but they’ve wondered about case durability and barrel life. John has answers for those questions:
6BRX Case Life
Case life running the Berger 105s at 3000+ fps is 14-15 reloads. Brass was discarded when the primer pockets became too loose. The 6BRX brass OAL after fireforming is 1.56″. Max OAL for the 6BRX is 1.58″. The brass never stretched enough to require trimming before discard. Another plus for the 6BRX and Lapua brass. By the way don’t even bother with Remington-brand 6BR brass. The primer pockets were so loose after my standard fire-forming load I had to trash all the cases. Stick with the good stuff, Lapua.
6BRX Barrel Life
Here are Skowron’s comments as his round count increased:
2750 Rounds: I now have 2570 rounds through my 6mm BRX. I was just at the range today doing an accuracy test. I shot two 10-shot groups at 100 yards, one with 105gr Bergers, and the other with 107gr Sierras. Both were identical 0.44″ 10-shot groups. Not bad for a rifle with 2500+ rounds through it.
2900 Rounds: I now have 2900 rounds through my 6mm BRX. I was doing some load testing with the new 6mm Berger bullets. I compared them with my existing comp. load in my 6mm BRX. The 105gr Bergers, jammed .015″ into the lands, with 31.5 grains of Varget and Fed 205s are still shooting .45″ 10-shot groups at 100 yards. Velocity is 3060 fps. I don’t know how long this Broughton barrel will last, but I’m amazed that it’s lasted this long.
2950-3044 Rounds: I had virtually no throat erosion until I reached 2900 rounds. After 2900 rounds throat became noticeably rougher on cleaning and groups opened up. 10-shot groups with match ammo were now .53″ (compared to low fours before). At 2950 rounds the groups ran .58″. At 3044 rounds, the groups opened up to .7″. That’s not enough accuracy for LR work.
CONCLUSION: Barrel life with competitive accuracy was 2900 rounds with this gun.
Achieving this barrel life goal pretty much completes my 6mm BRX project. I’m now shooting a cartridge that has the same or better barrel life than the 260 Rem, it’s more accurate, with essentially equal wind drift. [Editor’s Note: Richard Schatz recently won the NBRSA 1000-yard Nationals with a 6 Dasher, a similar 6BR Improved cartridge, but with a 40° shoulder. Richard’s barrel had over 2000 rounds through it.]
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September 27th, 2008
Among our readers are fans of the ultimate “big boomer” cartridge, the 50 BMG. The fifty is popular with long-range shooters, many of whom compete in matches under the auspices of the Fifty Caliber Shooters Association (FCSA). The FCSA World Championship was held at Raton, NM in July, attracting shooters from around the globe. The Whittington Gun Club is holding a regional 50-caliber match at Raton this very weekend (Sept. 26-28). Other 50-caliber match dates are calendared on the FCSA website, www.fcsa.org. The FCSA site offers general info, match rules, a list of 50-cal friendly shooting ranges, plus a records archive.

50 BMG Components on Sale
If you’re a 50-Cal shooter, or are thinking about acquiring a Fifty in the near future, it’s not a bad idea to lay in a stock of reloading components. The Big Fifty has been banned in California, and there are efforts in Congress to extend that ban nationwide. Better to be prepared. Here are some good deals on 50 BMG components:
Wideners.com has brand new, primed Lake City 50 BMG Brass. This is 2006 production, with “LC 06″ headstamp. The brass is factory boxer primer w/ purple sealant, annealed case necks, and tar sealant* inside the case mouths. This is top tier brass that is fully reloadable. Widener’s is charging $52.50 for 25 cases or $200 for 100, item LC50BMG.

Natchez Shooters Supplies currently has a sale on primed, Winchester-headstamp 50 BMG brass (item WN50CALPB). The price is $34.70, marked down from $39.79. That works out to $173.50 per hundred — a good deal on new, WCC 06 Mil-Spec brass.
50bmgSupply.com also has Winchester-headstamp 50 BMG brass. This is NEW manufacture (WCC 06 and WCC 08) with neck sealant and sealed primer. Cases are boxer primed, and fully reloadable. The price is $195.00 for 100 pieces.
50bmgSupply.com also offers 2004-2007 once-fired Lake City or PSD head-stamped 50 BMG brass. (PSD is made in South Korea by Poongsan Metal Manufacturing. It is good brass.) This used brass has been tumbled clean, resized, deprimed, primer pocket chamfered (to remove military crimp), then trimmed to length. It is ready to reload. Prices is $100.00 for 100 unprimed cases, or $130.00 for 100 primed cases.
Polygunbag.com carries a wide variety of 50 caliber projectiles including Hornady 750gr A-Max match bullets, and Barnes “Banded Solid” 750gr match bullets. Both the 750gr A-Maxs and 750 Barnes Solids are priced at $37.00 per box of 20 bullets. The A-Maxs are very popular with long-range 50 Caliber match shooters.

*Regarding the Tar mouth Sealant, Widener’s notes: “This brass is ready to be charged and the bullet seated. If you want complete waterproofing, leave the tar seal in the mouth. If you do not want the tar, use a swab with XYLENE solvent and the tar can be easily removed. NOTE: Do not use an expander unless you remove the tar first as the tar will gum up on it.”
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September 27th, 2008
Forum member Jim (aka FalconPilot) recently provided a strong endorsement of a Tennessee gunsmith. We thought this was worth sharing. Jim notes:
“A lot of times on the internet all we hear are the bad things. I just wanted to pass a little valuable info along to all my fellow shooters. Disclaimer: I am in no way connected to or sponsored by Howard — I pay just like everyone else.
Howard Pitts of Taft, TN is the owner of Pitts Precision Rifles. I met Howard at the Regional F-Class Championship in the spring and he is a hell of a nice guy. At the time, the barrel gave out on my Dowling-built 6.5-284, and someone there referred me to Howard. After watching his daughter Halie shooting all weekend (she kicked a number of well-known butts!!) with a gun that her dad had built, I decided to have Howard rebarrel my gun. This gun was a hummer before, and even more of a hummer when I got it back. Not only does it shoot “lights out”, but the quality of work was top-notch, and turn-around time was impressive.
Move forward a few months…I had a 6BR built and chambered by another very well-known gunsmith. Great guy, fast turn-around, but the gun give me problems from the get-go. The Lapau brass was just too big for the chamber. I tried bumping shoulders, using small body dies, everything I knew of, and finally after about 800 rounds, gave up. (Moral to this story is ALWAYS use your own reamer, one that you know is right.) The gun shot in the high .30s to low .40s… but I expected more.

I’d decided that I wanted a Dasher anyways, so a call to Dave Kiff had the reamer on its way. Another call to Tim North and I had another barrel on the way — Tim is a great guy, went way out of his way to help, and makes a damn good barrel.
I next called Howard Pitts, explained my situation, and he told me to get him the equipment. He set my old barrel back, and chambered both barrels for me. Three weeks later, the gun returned with the same top quality work that I had received the first time around. Again, at a price that was more than reasonable (Pitts charges $150.00 for a typical chambering job). I’ve shot the gun over the last two days. While fireforming the brass, the gun is shooting in the .20s. With formed brass, I turned in a 5-shot, 100-yard group of .089″, my best group ever. Here is a group at one thousand (1000) yards:

I just wanted to point out a gunsmith that is honest, very accommodating, and who produces incredible work at a very fair price. Anyone looking for a smith, should give Howard a call at 931-993-6122 or 931-425-6895 (secondary), email: htpitts [at] bellsouth.net .”
Editor’s NOTE: Jim makes a very good point about reamers — it’s wise, when possible, to acquire your own reamer for an important project. That eliminates a variety of potential problems and it also ensures that you can get a near-identical chamber when it’s time to re-barrel the gun.
Regarding Pitts Precision — we’re pleased to spotlight a smith who does excellent work, at a reasonable price, with good turn-around times. There are many otherwise outstanding smiths who, due to their heavy workload, may take months or even years to complete a rifle. With one of this site’s own project guns, we had to wait 10 months for a barrel job — not a complete rifle — just chambering, fitting, and crowning a barrel. We applaud those smiths who can organize their schedules to provide good work in a timely fashion.
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September 26th, 2008
Benchrest accuracy from a Barnard? You Betcha! In a recent 600-yard benchrest match in Ojai, California, the powder-blue 6.5×47 Barnard shown below delivered an impressive 1.5″ five-shot group to set small group for the match. The gun has shot well under 1/4-MOA at shorter ranges during testing. Owned by SoCal shooter Bill H., the gun was smithed by Mac Tilton of MT Guns in Santa Barbara, CA. Mac says, “even with that long barrel, the gun balances well on the bags in the Mastin stock.” Owner Bill is delighted with the gun’s performance, telling us “this rig really demonstrates how accurate the 6.5×47 cartridge can be.” Bill was shooting Lapua 6.5×47 brass with Lapua 123gr Scenar bullets, Reloder 15 powder, and CCI BR4 primers.
Key Components from Down-Under
The rifle features a Barnard model “P” three-lug action, Barnard target trigger, Mastin F-Class laminated stock (with painted finish), and a 32″ heavy-contour True-Flite barrel. Both action and barrel are products of New Zealand, while the Mastin stock was crafted in Australia. For a better look at this handsome rifle, CLICK THIS LINK for a supersized photo.

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September 26th, 2008
AccurateShooter.com’s Cartridge Guides are among the site’s most popular content features. Our .308 Cartridge Guide has been viewed nearly 350,000 times. By popular demand, we’re adding a new multi-cartridge 7mm Cartridge Guide. As planned, this will provide key information for: 7mm08, .284 Winchester, 7mm SAUM, and 7mm WSM (including 7mm-270 WSM). (We know there are many other popular 7mm cartridges, but we can’t do everything at once.)
Pet Loads and Tuning Advice Wanted
If you shoot one of the above calibers, and have developed a very accurate (and safe) load, please send us the specifics. We are particularly interested in successful match loads. Please include: bullet type and weight, brand of brass, powder charge, primer type, OAL (from base of rim to tip of seated bullet), and measured velocity (if available). Also include a sentence or two describing how this load performs, and the relevant info, such as: “1/2-MOA easy. Works good jammed or jumped. Good F-Class load. 2800 fps in 28″ barrel.”
Here is your chance to share your wisdom with a world-wide readership and help others “focus in” on a good load quickly.
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September 26th, 2008
The Original Pennsylvania 1000-Yard Benchrest Club (Williamsport) marks 40 years of 1000-yard shooting this year. To celebrate Williamsport’s 40th year, and to raise funds for needed range improvements, a custom Commemorative Rifle will be raffled off. If you’re interested in taking a chance at winning this rifle, valued at $4000.00+, you have a couple more weeks to buy a raffle ticket. The winning ticket will be drawn at the Club’s annual banquet on October 18, 2008. The raffle is limited to 1000 tickets, priced at $20.00 each.

The rifle is chambered in 6mm Dasher. Components include: BAT action, Jewell trigger, Bartlein barrel, Baer stock, and a Nightforce BR scope. Many club members contributed time to fabricate the rifle, which would retail for $4000+. The rifle sports Bruce Baer’s innovative “Sidewinder” off-set stock. Mark King chambered the rifle. Springman Rifles pillar-bedded the stock, and Gary Hendrix applied the clearcoat. Engraved rifle components carry the Club’s logo and 40th Anniversary markings.
Please include a note with your payment stating that it is for 40th Anniversary Rifle Raffle. Raffle tickets can be purchased by mailing a check or money order (payable to “Original PA 1000-Yd BR Club”) to:
Original Pennsylvania 1000-Yard Benchrest Club
P.O. Box 1413
Williamsport, PA 17703
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September 25th, 2008
Forum member Andy (aka GreyMist) has completed an interesting test, with five (5) different types of .243 Winchester Brass. He collected Federal, Lapua, Remington, and two different lots of Winchester-brand brass. Then he selected ten (10) cases at random from each brand and measured their weights. To ascertain case capacity, three (3) cases from each brand/lot that were closest to the average weight for that brand/lot were selected. The results were surprising: there was less than one (1) grain capacity difference between all the cases, even with a 14.7 grain maximum difference in case weight!
Measuring Procedures
The cases were sized in a Redding body die then primed with a spent primer. All were weighed before and after filling them with distilled water. The capacity shown is an average of all three (3) cases from that lot and represents grains of water. Note, I tested two lots of Winchester brass. Lot A was purchased in 1999. Lot B was from factory .243 ammo. There is a rather large disparity in case weight between the two lots. For more info and to see the weights of individual tested cases, visit GreyMist’s webpage.
Brand |
Federal |
Lapua |
Remington |
Winchester A |
Winchester B |
Capacity |
53.9 |
54.4 |
53.7 |
54.8 |
54.8 |
Aver. Weight |
173.28 |
173.13 |
165.34 |
158.58 |
166.44 |
SD¹ |
0.46 |
0.39 |
0.17 |
0.58 |
0.42 |
Range² |
1.70 |
1.10 |
0.40 |
1.80 |
1.40 |
% of Avg.³ |
0.98% |
0.64% |
0.24% |
1.14% |
0.84% |
1) Standard Deviation in grains.
2) Range is the difference in weight between the heaviest and lightest cases in the test.
3) Case range weight divided by the average weight.
What the Numbers Mean … And Some Speculations
Andy observes: “It certainly seems there is a huge difference in case weight between Winchester lot A and any other brand of 243 tested. What is also surprising is that there was less than one (1) grain capacity difference between all the cases, even with a 14.7 grain difference in case weight!
Should one be wary of trying the same loads that were initially tested in the light weight Winchester brass even though the capacity difference is small? I have had some interesting results with one brand brass that I cannot pass on yet, except to say I sent that company a sample of the lot I have been using. The Remington brass weight range was very low. These were taken from a box of once-fired factory ammo. I will have to acquire some more and measure it.”
Results of Larger Lapua Sample
In a previous session Andy weighed all 100 Lapua cases he had on hand. His measurements showed a total variation of 2.1 grains, with the weight range being 172.5 to 174.6 grains. That is a 1.2 percent spread. The most that came in at the same weight were 11 cases at 173.5 grains.
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