Welcome to the Nanny State…
These photos show actual product restriction notices at stores in the UK. The bright red toy ray-gun can only be sold to adults. The sign reads: “This product is restricted…. To protect our younger customers, you have to be over 18 to buy imitation firearms.”

Steak Knives — For Adults Only
If that wasn’t bad enough, check out this sign next to a set of flatware for the dinner table: “Sale of Knives & Bladed Articles — The sale of these products is governed by the Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (as Amended by the Violent Reduction Act 2006). It is a criminal offence to sell these products to any person under the age of 18 years.”
What’s next, restricting those under 18 to soft foods they can eat with a spoon? How did things ever become this absurd? What would Winston Churchill say about the rampant “Nannyism” in today’s UK?
One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation. — Thomas Reed |
Editor’s Comment — Yes this is Real
We were skeptical about the knife ban, until we located the House of Commons Legislation Report. As originally passed in 1988, the knife-purchase age limit was 16 years, but, according to the report: “Section 43 [of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006] amends section 141A(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 under which it is currently an offence to sell a knife or an article with a blade or point to a person under the age of 16 years. Section 43 increases that age to 18″.
Apparently not all Britain’s politicians are spineless idiots. During the debate on the 2006 Amendment (raising the age limit on knife sales), M.P. Mark Oaten stated:
“It is difficult to see how the proposed age limit for knives can work. The bill will land us in the ridiculous situation where a 16- and a 17-year-old can get married and set up home on their own, but can’t buy a kitchen knife”.
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- TSA Changes Rules For Small Folding Knives on Aircraft
- Cool New Knives from Pachmayr Offer Great Value
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- TECH Tip: Protect Blades and Tools with Sack-Ups
- U.S. Customs Rule Change May Block Importation of Folding Knives
Tags: England, Great Britain, Nanny State, U.K.
You’re entirely correct to highlight the idiocy of all this “nanny state” legislation from which we suffer; much of it is down to EU regulations imposed from above, and which most of our politicians are too spineless, apathetic or self-interested to reject; but too much of it is homegrown, such as our Firearms Acts – a mass of kneejerk, irrational, futile, anti-democratic garbage that is frequently contradictory and which cannot be shown to have reduced armed crime even a fraction.
But hey, let’s be fair: the USA has plenty of its own “nanny state” stuff! Why were my son & I subjected to the same treatment as anyone from North Korea might have been when we crossed into Detroit last summer to shop at Cabela’s, after our groundhog hunt in Ontario? You’d never guess that my country’s troops were fighting in Afghanistan alongside their US counterparts, the way we were processed… And not being able to buy alcohol ’til you’re 21 and can prove it with ID – how does that work? Seems pretty weird from over here in England! I guess we all just have a lot more resisting to do.
Regards, Tony Harrison
Unbelievable… like Forrest Gump would say, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Welcome to our nightmare!
Where is Henry Bowman when you need him?
Left wingers at their best. Protect the people so far that they have no more responsibility or freedom. The film Idiocracy isn’t that far off.
But it’s not EU or US thing, it’s a global thing and nobody is standing up to it.
It is funny to see the liberals overseas are just as stupid as ones here in the US. Maybe banning things like pencils is coming up next?
“The war is inevitable — and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come!”…”The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!”…Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”—Patrick Henry – March 23, 1775
Anthony Harrison I’m with you on the issue of alcohol. Go to war, kill and get killed for your country and come home and you can’t have a drink at the bar. Ridiculous does not begin to describe things.
I’m not sure I would approximate our gov. efforts at controlling our borders as a “nanny state” affect. I’m sure if I go to the UK I’m going to be questioned and have my stuff searched.
Just as Australia and Canada bought into the lie that is registration, the UK fights the stupid fight and treats its subjects like idiots and children
and we live with it, and some even fight to have further stupid impositions placed on the people.
Sadly the US people may have what it takes to fight for their rights, these other countries including mine have (in my opinion) beaten the fight out of us largely.
actually the people behind the ban are not raving lefties, just stupid people who don’t see how stupid such things are and expect life to be entirely risk free. and yes they are paranoid about risk courtesy of our virulently capitalist but numpty red top press. quite abit of which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also own Fox News!